amisheskimoninja said:
imacharizard333 said:
Why does everyone think MD will get rotated out? If they get rid of Unown G, Machamp runs rampant and kills every basic in sight. Do you guys really think they'll make all these great basics, the SPs, The Rotoms and now Arceus just to make them get killed by 1 card? I didn't think so. And there are many other great cards in this set too, like Pachirisu and Claydol. They won't get rid of those.
just about no one thinks MD will get rotated. Especially since they just made new leafeon and glaceons that are obviuosly meat to work with the X's. And yes, we are all afraid of what will happen if SP decks lose Unknown G. *shudders*
But Glaceon Lv.x and Leafeon lv.x are in MD too, so they'd be rotated out as well...
Also, I just remembered that if they rotate out GE, then there will be no Porygon or Porygon 2. So why would they release a Porygon Z so close to the rotation if it won't be playable afterwards?