Which sets are going to be dropped in September?

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~ Commanding Officer ~
I'm still new to the game and I've been jonesing for a Gardevoir related deck, but my bud's saying I shouldn't waste my time, since Secret Wonders is going to be dropped (with Gardevoir LV.X along with it) when the sets cycle out.

Is that how it's going to go? Would that mean they'll make a new Gardevoir LV.X?

It will either be MD-on or GE-on and if there is no rotation, the whole diamon and pearl series will be rotated out next next year in 2010-2011
*pats your back* Sorry man. I have to take apart two deck when they rotate it out.
I've always been against rotations, but there is practically nothing I can do about it.
They could ... but the likelihood is that a rotation will occur, and chances are its going to be either GE-on or MD-on, my prediction is MD but we'll see ...
If they rotate Mt, then there will be a problem. Froslass'll be legal, but there won't be a snorunt! they'd need to put it in a POP set or just not rotate.
Yea, considering that, it probably won't be MT-on =P, which really doesn't make much sense anyways. Just removing DP isn't going to do much to the format, and would probably reduce sales for nintendo ... It'll have to be at least GE or MD on ...
It would be quite humourous if they made it PL-on and rotated out 7 sets.

Then we WOULD be forced to play SP... hahaha
hahaha imagine that, everyone forced onto SP ... that would be pretty funny ... you would pretty much have no choice but to run SP's at that point.
Not neccessarily cause in two sets you could play Arceus, also Beutifly/Dustox could work. Don't forget Rotom either. That would be amusing though.
MD on makes sense. Rare Candy and Roseanne are reprinted in POP 8 so they will still be legal. Will still have the D&P 3-Piplup, Chimchar, and Turtwig. Palkia and Dialga will still be around. I think the only "important" Pokemon we will lose will be Electivire and Magmortar. Gardevoir was remade in Platinum, but there will no Lv X.
Why does everyone think MD will get rotated out? If they get rid of Unown G, Machamp runs rampant and kills every basic in sight. Do you guys really think they'll make all these great basics, the SPs, The Rotoms and now Arceus just to make them get killed by 1 card? I didn't think so. And there are many other great cards in this set too, like Pachirisu and Claydol. They won't get rid of those.
If they rotate GE out, which I hope they will, they need to release a POP set with the important cards. Snorunt, Unown G, Porygon 2/Porygon, Claydol, etc. Then there'd be no problems. However, they will never do that. They'll either rotate to GE-on or no rotation at all, which is dumb IMO, just to keep the pre-evolutions that we might not have.

dmaster out.
imacharizard333 said:
Why does everyone think MD will get rotated out? If they get rid of Unown G, Machamp runs rampant and kills every basic in sight. Do you guys really think they'll make all these great basics, the SPs, The Rotoms and now Arceus just to make them get killed by 1 card? I didn't think so. And there are many other great cards in this set too, like Pachirisu and Claydol. They won't get rid of those.

just about no one thinks MD will get rotated. Especially since they just made new leafeon and glaceons that are obviuosly meat to work with the X's. And yes, we are all afraid of what will happen if SP decks lose unknown G. *shudders*
amisheskimoninja said:
imacharizard333 said:
Why does everyone think MD will get rotated out? If they get rid of Unown G, Machamp runs rampant and kills every basic in sight. Do you guys really think they'll make all these great basics, the SPs, The Rotoms and now Arceus just to make them get killed by 1 card? I didn't think so. And there are many other great cards in this set too, like Pachirisu and Claydol. They won't get rid of those.

just about no one thinks MD will get rotated. Especially since they just made new leafeon and glaceons that are obviuosly meat to work with the X's. And yes, we are all afraid of what will happen if SP decks lose Unknown G. *shudders*
But Glaceon Lv.x and Leafeon lv.x are in MD too, so they'd be rotated out as well...
Also, I just remembered that if they rotate out GE, then there will be no Porygon or Porygon 2. So why would they release a Porygon Z so close to the rotation if it won't be playable afterwards?
imacharizard333 said:
amisheskimoninja said:
imacharizard333 said:
Why does everyone think MD will get rotated out? If they get rid of Unown G, Machamp runs rampant and kills every basic in sight. Do you guys really think they'll make all these great basics, the SPs, The Rotoms and now Arceus just to make them get killed by 1 card? I didn't think so. And there are many other great cards in this set too, like Pachirisu and Claydol. They won't get rid of those.

just about no one thinks MD will get rotated. Especially since they just made new leafeon and glaceons that are obviuosly meat to work with the X's. And yes, we are all afraid of what will happen if SP decks lose Unknown G. *shudders*
But Glaceon Lv.x and Leafeon lv.x are in MD too, so they'd be rotated out as well...
Also, I just remembered that if they rotate out GE, then there will be no Porygon or Porygon 2. So why would they release a Porygon Z so close to the rotation if it won't be playable afterwards?

Exactly, same thing with Unown G too, it just can't be rotated out yet. I would make no sence to me what so ever if they made it MD on. I think it will be GE on.
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