BW/BW2 White Forest Location in the center of Isshu.


Aspiring Trainer
I am really sorry that I couldn't post this sooner. I was banned for a threat to stop using all caps that I didn't notice cuz I didn't know I got messages. I realized everyone was talking about the pokeball shaped thing in the center of isshu and it is quite obvious that spiral vortex thing is the white forest trees. The super tall ones. Ok finally you all know. Discuss!
The center if Isshu is the High Link (as RockinPikachu said) and NOT White Forest. They wouldn't put the center of Isshu in just one game.
just for the record I like the isshu map, cant wait to see what else is on it, like the legendary locations, major towns, all that jazz
It's very difficult to find the location of White Forest and Black City.But duh,it's High Link.