BW/BW2 White forest madness

Are there any grass patches in your white forest?

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Aspiring Trainer
Hi everyone! Finally beated e4 for the first time, and got to white forest. I saw in corocoro scans, read in different websites that there is grass, water where you can catch elekid,magby,etc. But when i came there, there was no grass patches. I came into house and oldman said that he is researching this forest pokemon, but apearently there aren't any. Is there some way to get grass, water in white forest?
There is a point system in the game, you got to talk to everyone each day in White Forest and visit it and eventually grass will grow and water will appear. As the points go up you get more grass, if you have a friend it will be easier as with Entralink it can be used to warp to their Black City/White Forest. You only begin with a certain amount of wild pokemon and it expands and grows all the time. I hope this as helped :)
And by talking to everyone, you mean family in house and two kid who are outside? And i don't get how to make friend live in my forest? I'll definately try. Thanks. I hope this will help me too.
Yeah pretty much everyone in White Forest. And I mean if you have a friend that has black or white you can warp to their Black City/White Forest. If you talk to the people within their city/forest they may move to your game, if they do then it will unlock more pokemon availible to catch. :)
I talked to my friends white forest people, but do they have to move after some time or the same day?
It really depends on the total points, you cant see them but keep building them everyday.
Here is what I know fo the point system.
Day passing -5 points
Visit 3 points
Talk to everyone in the Forest 10 points

Keep on building up the points, when you are making progress go and recruit from your friends, it takes time but will be worth it with all the new catchable pokemon :)
-_- This happened to me in Black City. When u say talk to people, do you mean in the Pokemon Center, because when i go to Black City, there is nothing... only 4 small buildings and a Pokemon Center...