BW/BW2 Who Do You Think Can Be The League Champion

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Shining Dragon

Aspiring Trainer
So who do you think the pokemon league champion can be out of all the characters we have seen so far besides the ones we already know that cannot be. Could it be iris, may b a character from the anime, or could it be one of your rivals belle or cheren.

Who do you think, please right
MAYBE IT'S N :eek:
but i'd expect it to be a character we haven't met yet, but will be seen later in the games, like Lance.
I think either iris or N. I think iris because she seems to be a dragon tamer and reminds me of lance. I also think N has a small chance of becoming the champion.
@playerking95 interesting theory, with POLAR opposites (pun slightly intended). Maybe North is good and South is the evil twin working for Team Plasma '~' ! What could Shooti be? is he like the new rival or just another NPC that is involved somewhat with the legendaries?
What about Cheren? He seems like he also has a pretty decent shot at becoming the champion.

(100 POST!! YES! :D)
I just hope it's a multi-type trainer. I hate it when champions use only one type. It doesn't make them as powerful as, say, Gary in RBY or Cynthia in DPP. They have to be different from everyone else.
I think Cheren will become the champion, they're going back to the beginning with this new game right? So they might have Cheren becoming like Gary, eventually becoming the champion.
I think the champion might not be revealed yet, though if they return to rival being champion like in RGBY then maybe Belle.
definately not iris
i dont want N to be the champion. i think he has alot to do with tp, not the league
and if its cheren or belle then we have a rbg/y/frlg, ripoff
my opinion=somebody we havent seen yet
Not that I want this to happen, but if history repeats itself, Iris could be the champion, being with her Kibago and what-not.

And I don't mean to jump on the "N is the champ" bandwagon, but he does somewhat have that "champion style" to him, if you catch my drift.
^if iris were the champ, then we would have known it when we first saw the previews with her.
and besides, what kind of champion is an anime main character with only one pokemon who runs around in the forest?
jjust because she has a dragon type does not mean anything
Well seeing her (Iris) in that "spiral tower" gave me that feeling that she would be like Cynthia or Wallace, appearing in certain places during your journey, sometimes helping you along the way. It's a possibility.
^but then why is she an anime main character who is 10 years old and has only one pokemon-a kibago?
i didnt know that champions owned one unevolved pokemon and ran around swinging from vines in a forest and were Ash's companions on his quest

wouldnt that be a ripoff of gen1?
She can be a different character in the anime then she is in the game, i'm pretty sure after you defeated brock in R/B/Y he didn't travel with you.
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