Who is Frolass?


Aspiring Trainer
Sorry for the n00b question guys but i've been hearing a lot about "frolass". Which Pokemon is he? is he in MD?

Translations would be helpful for his attacks

Froslass in the games evolves from Female Snorunt when one uses a Dawn Stone on said Snorunt. It is of the Ice/Ghost type.

It is not certain if it will be in MD or in the set after MD. Its attacks are:
[P] Destiny Bond - Discard a [P] energy, if Froslass is KO'd next turn, so is the attacker.
[W][C] Some attack which name I do not know - 40 damage, 1 damage counter on the entire bench, and the defending pokemon now snoozes.
I think they will wait until DP6 to rleaese, honsetly.

But anyway, all of the above posters are right. There has alos been big discussion lately of Glaceon + Froslass.
Lou Cypher said:
Froslass in the games evolves from Female Snorunt when one uses a Dawn Stone on said Snorunt. It is of the Ice/Ghost type.

It is not certain if it will be in MD or in the set after MD. Its attacks are:
[P] Destiny Bond - Discard a [P] energy, if Froslass is KO'd next turn, so is the attacker.
[W][C] Some attack which name I do not know - 40 damage, 1 damage counter on the entire bench, and the defending pokemon now snoozes.

Destiny Bond FTW and Froslass should be an interesting card.

Clearing up the attacks to the regular English card anatomy....

{P} Destiny Bond - Discard a [P] energy, if Froslass is KO'd next turn, so is the defending pokemon.
{W}{C} ??? - 40 damage, place 1 damage counter on each Pokemon on your opponents bench, and the defending Pokemon now asleep.