Pokemon Why Do You Play Pokemon?

Red Striker

VGC Trainer
For the past three - almost four - years, I've been trying to sum up one thing that I've never been able to fully describe till now: why do I play Pokemon? After reading this article, I finally found my answer. It took some time, but when I eventually came across it, it pretty much summed up as to why I do this to begin with. But enough about me. What's your reason behind doing the one thing we all share in common and love?
In 3 words: Because its fun.

I may not know many other people in my general area that play pokemon, but I do know that if you like something, than you should do it. This is one of many different "worlds" that I belong to, and one of the more fun ones at that. The people that I do know in my community that play pokemon are good people that you can have a laugh with and just have a good time. If you don't have that, what do you have?

Yay! First time being first to post!
I've always really liked Pokemon. I started playing it because I think it's fun and I've always been a fan of it, so it brings me some old memories.
I play because it is extremely fun. If it ever isn't fun any more, I'll stop. Simple as that.
Because there's no greater satisfaction than being given a bunch of little critters to choose from and trying to take it to the top with your favorites - and even succeeding at it now and again.

Also, the people. I love the people. They're pretty dang friendly.
What, you don't have such a soft heart for these adorable critters?

Lucky you.
This whole thread could basically be summed up by "because it's fun" but you guys want this thread so w/e
I really enjoyed playing VG competitively, it's a game that has a surprising amount of strategy. I've also met a bunch of awesome fans over the years, so yeah, I'd say those are some pretty good reasons while I still play.
Okay, could we possibly give a little more detailed answers? I've seen a few, but PMJ might have it right for most of these.
More detail? Alright, here goes!

For me (and it seems quite a few of you), I suppose it's mostly nostalgia. It was a blast when I was younger, and something that I can play and look back on simpler times. I suppose it's kind of an escape from the day-to-day stuff I have to do (work, mainly). Had I been the age I am now when Pokémon first came out, would I still have played it? To be honest, probably not. With the exceptions of very few games (Pokémon, in particular), I've grown out of video games completely since my 360 RR'd a few years ago.

Additionally, I'd say part of it is my almost compulsive desire to complete things. I can never have just one of a set -- it's either all or nothing. When I started faking -- twelve, thirteen years ago at least -- I wanted to make a card set encompassing all known Pokémon. As more and more have been added, I'm still out to continue what I started. My drive to finish keeps me in the Pokémon online community, and having met some great people, I suppose that's a motivating factor as well.
I've made some of my best friends through the game, and that's really why I keep playing. I also get a huge thrill from winning, and sometimes, I even end up making some money from strategic buying and selling. Well, I'm probably not making a lot of money, but I'm not losing a ton either. It's just a great hobby that allows me to have fun with my friends in a non-destructive way.
You can post in [thread]The Master Wi-fi thread[/thread] if you want to trade, Shanekyle.

On topic, I don't really know why. It's a lot of fun. Recently, I've started to play Pokemon lesser. So maybe I just play it for fun.
Why do I play Pokemon?

Nostalgia, Customization, Good Design (Mostly) and Replayability.
The first two generations are by far the best games for replayability and nostalgia, you could say 3rd gen too if you really like it, however, I think 3rd gen is where customization started really taking off, but having
  • Over 200 Pokemon to choose from,
  • Each Pokemon learning a range of moves,
  • Almost all Pokemon able to learn TM's for variety,
  • Randomness of battles,
  • Different Pokemon available in different versions,
  • A plot that isn't too involving or long winded for the game to slow down
contribute to the game in so many ways. There is so much variety in Pokemon games that they beg to be played more than once. Maybe not 4th or 5th gen, as their stories are much larger and more involving.
I'd slap a R/B/Y/G/S/C/R/S/E cartridge in my Gameboy any day of the week.
Also the fact that they can be played so casually, or played for hours upon hours, has to be mentioned too.
I've loved the Video Games since I saw the original Blue and Red games at a garage sale when I was but a wee little lad of 5. I got into TCG during 4th grade, and I kept playing those for all these years because they're just plain fun. Even the horrible and semi-horrible games are fun, notably Diamond and Pearl.