Why The Lock?


why are we playing Pokemon?
Why have the best decks these days been lock decks? Last year, a dominating deck was PLOX, which locked. This year, 2 of the best are Dialga and Palkia G... which both lock.
So why are they always so dominating?
Since the earlier posters hardly gave you an answer:

Locking tactics are known to be extremely powerful. IF I prevented you from setting up, then I am able to overtake you and then sweep the rest of the game. Gardy/Gallade controled the format by not only preventing the opponent's Claydol, but being able to use their own and Gardy's Telepass as well to overcome the opponent. Dialga G lock is rather massive against hte current metagame, since the metagame runs hevily on trainers.
Adding to Zyfliar, pokepowers have become increasingly powerful lately. Expecially powers that draw mass amounts of cards like Claydol and Uxie. These powers are so awesome that basically every deck has one of the two, and relies on them heavily. If you shut down their ability to draw, they can't set up.