Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Let's talk about this interesting card. It allows you to hit Benched Pokemon for weakness.
Electivire BCR does 30 to all benched. With Wide Lens and no Altaria, sets up Shaymin to be 2HKOed. He also chews bats up and spits them out. That's awfully specific, though; Minun LTR can hit them all for 20 for a single energy.
Landorus-EX can do 60 and 60 against all the Fighting-weak Lightning types that are sure to increase in popularity - a scary thought.
It seems like it could be useful on Mega Gallade, but attaching it effectively could be a hassle, Crobat isn't weak to Psychic, and Psychic-types are OHKOed by Unwavering Blade anyway.
All fairies are weak to Metal, but there aren't really any cards that can make use of Wide Lens, and Metal decks don't have any issue with ravaging Fairy decks anyway. That seems to be the issue with this card - most of the cards that can utilize it really shouldn't need to, spread damage is weak and, in most decks, not everything is weak to the same type. There's also the fact that it hits for Resistance as well, meaning that in decks where your attacks are resisted, it's a dead card and only serves to get you Assault Lasered for big damage. Still, I like interesting cards like these, and I'm sure it has use somewhere.
What do you guys think?