Wien-Austria City Championship 1st Place Report


Aspiring Trainer
Short after wakingn up I think that I don't want to play Sablelock today, as I would have played it.
So I look for some cards and like the idea of playing GenPlume at the City Championship.
I make a list short before the tournament and play two quick tesplays with Luca (Ultimatum) with Gyarados and Patrick (Putgik) with LuxChomp and win both, so I feel comfortable with GenPlume after them.
But I still changed some things in my list and it finally looked like this:

4 Gastly
3 Haunter (2 TR/1 SF)
2 Gengar
1 Gengar Prime
1 Gengar LV.X
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf
2 Oddish
2 Gloom
2 Vileplume
1 Zangoose
1 Crobat G
2 Uxie
4 Spiritomb

4 Pokemon Collector
1 Palmer's Contribution
4 Bebe's Search
2 Seeker
4 Looker's Investigation
3 Broken Time Space
2 Twins

3 Warp
3 Rescue
7 Psychic

So I wait for everyone to come and for the tournament to start and then halph an hour to late it finally starts.
We were about 20 Masters and about the same number in seniors and juniors.

#1 Round Vs. Karin with Vileplume/Scizor/Steelix

I know that this is probably going to be hard, as she doesn't play many Supporters and Stadiums and has in addition to that resistance, but there is always a way to go for.
However she starts really good and gets Scizor and Steelix in her first turn and gets 2 Metals onto Scizor, but in the same time I get some Shadow Rooms onto it until I finally kill her Scizor.
But then she gets out a second Steelix and is able to tank her first one, because it would take for ever for me to kill it. So I just snipe her Pixies with 2x Shadowroom with Gengar and then with Gengar LV.Xs attack, as I don't want to loose time. I get it down to 1 Prize, while she has 4 prizes remaining.
The good thing is, that she can't play Skuntank, because of my BTS and she doesn't have Crobat or something like that in her deck. She didn't get her Seekers the whole game. Then I flip 3 Tails on Fainting Spell, but am able to get 90 damage on another Scizor she tried to get out and finally get to kill it. Then she reveals her next topdeck and it was Seeker. xD Bad Luck for her, but I flipped 3 tails on FS so I guess that's just fair xDDD Love this game.^^

#2 Round Vs. Dominik with FlyChamp

I draw my seven cards and don't have a Basic Pokemon, so I show it to him and start to shuffle, but he was to slowly to see the cards and wants to see them again. I search for them, as I know where they are in the deck and suddenly there is an Uxie in it. -.- But the Judge just says, that I have to shuffle againand draw 7 cards and my oppenent just gets to draw the one more card. I got a warning.
I get a Gengar in my second turn to his Machamp and Uxie with his ten cards hand.
So I play Seeker and attack his Machamp for like 240 damage.

#3 Round Vs. Daniela with Machamp/Umbreon

I get everything in my second turn and she has nothing except these two Umbreon she started with.
She tries to get something with her Uxies, but because of Trainerlock she always just gets to draw one or two cards, so that didn't really help her. I shadowroom her Pixies for some prizes and after 2 Fainting Spells I get a heads on her first Umbreon and have 1 Prize left to her 4, so she doesn't want to play anymore and scoops.

Lol so many Machamps and then there were just 2 LuxChomps and 1 Sablelock. xD

#4 Vs. Matthias with GenPlume/Nidoqueen/Blaziken FB

He should really have the better list for a mirror match with Nidoqueen, because it makes it so hard for me to kill his Gengars, so if he gets it with some Gengars I eventually loose. We both don't play Ditto, because we didn't expect any mirror, so yeah....^^
He starts and immediatly gets a Nidorina into play. I guess it would have been good, to start ton stall the Nidorina then, but I decided to kill some Pixies with my first turn Gengar, as he didn't even have a Gastly in play, so I felt save.
I get a three prize lead and start to stall his Nidoqueen with my Zangoose and he is not able to get a Gengar, because he has to play all his Energies to get Nidoqueen back everytime, so he scoops, as we would both play in finals next round.

FINAL Vs. Matthias

He gets Nidoqueen in his second turn and can set up really good, because my Zangoose and Azelf was prized and without beeing able to stall I am not able to kill his Nidoqueen anyways, so I just go for my Gengars and try to get some prizes.
He just overruns me with his Gengars, because it takes forever to kill his Gengars and he uses Seeker to recover them.

He gets Nidorina in his first turn again, but I am able to stop him getting Nidoqueen and Lost Zone his Nidorina with Gengar Prime. Gengar Prime has no Poke Power so I decide to kill his Pixies with it too and it takes forever for him to kill it, so I get out everything and just overrun him.

He gets Nidoqueen again in his second turn -.-, but I am thinking about stalling it with Zangoose immediatly thereafter and get 110 damage on it by Turn 4. Again he had problems to get out on his bench and got some haunters, but no Gengars and not many Energies, as he used them to get Nidoqueen back for several times. Then I eventually kill his Nidoqueen with a Shadow Room and he has to put Spiritomb active to get his Gengars. I attack them and then he misplays and is not able to retreat his Spiritomb, so I would have been able to kill his Gengars and he would just have been able to go for one Shadow Room, so he scoops.

Yay won! =D

Gengar Prime
Houndoom Prime,
Raichu Prime,
Scizor Prime,
KGL Top,
DRL Top in the prize boosters
the tournament
Patrick and his friend
Luca won his first tournament ever.^^ party!!!! xD

No Ditto
3 Tails with Fainting Spell in first game
I find Genplume not that good, but it is not bad
My list, because it was not really good I think,
but definitly worth a try ;D
