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Wigglytuff / Victini EX / Aromatisse


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3x Jigglypuff (XY)
    3x Wigglytuff (XY) (ballon)
    4x Victini EX
    2x Mewtwo EX
    2x Spritzee (XY)
    2x Aromitisse (XY)

  • 3x Muscle Band
    4x N
    4x Skyla
    3x Cheren
    3x Professor Juniper
    2x Float Stone
    2x Fairy Garden
    3x Iris
    2x Xerosic

  • 11 Fairy Energy
    6 Fire Energy

The strategy of this deck is really to use Victini EX's turbo energize to start getting energy on Wigglytuff early on. Then use Wigglytuff's ballon berrage. I also have Aromatise as what I feel is a faster version of Blastoise's deluge ability. Also Mewtwo EX as a pokemon that can also abuse the energy acceleration in case Wigglytuff can't handle the job.

As far as trainers, I put in fairy garden because of the fairy energy and I need free retreat. I also put in Iris and Muscle band as ways to do more damage. I also had no clue on how much energy I should use.

I just want to know if this deck is worth testing?

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
Hi, welcome to PokéBeach! :D
First off, if you run Victini EX, you NEED Victory Piece. However, in a deck like this Xerneas just outclasses Victini completely, as it is not reliant on an ACE SPEC to attack effectively, is a non-EX, and has more HP. Also, I'm assuming you run Mewtwo EX (since you run no Psychic Energy), so you need DCE in this kind of deck, and I'd use 1 more. 2-2 Aromatisse is just not gonna work, Spritzee gets KOed more often than one would think, so I'd use 3-2 instead. As for Wigglytuff....it's kinda meh. It has only 100HP, meaning an opposing Mewtwo EX/Yveltal EX will OHKO most of the time (specially Yveltal), since you need a lot of Energy to attack. Mewtwo EX is better in every aspect, so I'd normally suggest taking them out, but that would leave you with only Mewtwo EX as an attacker, and then someone else would suggest you to run Kangaskhan EX or something, and this would turn into a Fairy deck (which I think isn't your intention.) Also, one less Skyla. 4 is..a bit too much. Don't run Cheren, draw 3 for a Supporter isn't really that good, you're better off using Acro Bike (when it comes out), but even without it I wouldn't run Cheren. Why do you run Float Stone? You already have free retreat from Fairy Garden, so not needed. Speaking of that, you need 1 more to win the Stadium war, and will possibly need to run 4 for the next format. Iris...meh. It's kinda good in theory, but...you have better things to do with your Supporter for the turn. Also, 1 less Xerosic, although it isn't needed at all imo. As for the Energy, 8 Fairy and 4 DCE/Rainbow is what most Fairy decks run. So:
-4 Victini EX
-1 Skyla
-3 Cheren
-2 Float Stone
-3 Iris
-1/2 Xerosic
-6 Fire Energy
-3 Fairy Energy
+3 Xerneas
+1 Mewtwo EX
+1 Spritzee
+2 Colress
+3 Pokémon Fan Club
+1 Fairy Garden
+2 Ultra Balls
Those are all I can think for now. I'll suggest more later.