Wii Friend Code Trading Thread

Golem King

Im back from the dead :D!
Here you can exchange Wii friend codes for games, extras, and other things! Only put your friend codes if you are completely sure you want them traded with others on PokeBeach!

Golem King's FC: 8426 5633 1070 2372
Wii Friend Codes

If there is a topic for this already, then I'm sorry, but:

This is a topic for when your Wii Friend Codes in General (not just for any specific game), I will be posting mine later for when I'm more awake
Wii Friend Code Thread

This thead is for listing your WII friend codes and what games you play online most.


Friend codes:

Smash Brothers 5027-8816-1027

Animal Crossing: 5157-4657-9069

C'mon people! List your friend codes