wii versus playstation3 and xbox360

who would win? wii or the playstation3 and the xbox360?

  • wii duh!

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • playstation3 and xbox360 is much, much better!

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

The ultimate soul silver fan

I am all-mighty and powerful
I really need to put my foot down on this, but here's the story... Today my friend said that the playstation3 and the xbox360 is much better than the wii (and nintendo) and I didn't know what to say... So now you members at pokebeach can help me in this!!! So which is better? The Wii or the playstion3 and the xbox360?

The PS3 has free online, great games, and free wirless connection
XBox has great games as well. The large online base is good too. The expensive items put it under the PS3
The wii has no "real" online sections (in comparison to others), almost no good games, and little competitive games.
That depends on what you are looking at. The PS3 and Xbox obviously have better graphics. However, I truthfully like the control scheme of the wii. Xbox and PS3 also have better online stuff. So here it is from me: Xbox and PS3 have better graphics and online, Wii is more fun for parties and playing with friends. It just depends on your age and the factors you are looking at.
They all have their strengths and weaknesses.

The Wii is revolutionary and has a bunch of great first-party games, but there are very few notable third-party titles and its online, while free, is kind of...half-assed, for lack of a better term. Also, backwards compatibility yay.

The PS3 has free Internet, and while it has a deficit of notable games, the few good games that it does have are excellent (such as LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid 4, the Uncharted titles, etc.). Its other main flaw, the price, has been lowered so it's not as big of a deal anymore.

The 360 has the annoyance of having to pay for online, but its online is the best (or so I've heard, please don't quote me on that) and it has a rather nice library of games.

Mt personal favorite system this gen, though, is the DS, due to its overwhelmingly large library, really nice touch screen interface, affordability, etc.
I agree with Mimebread & Zenith. When I have looked at games for PS3 and Xbox360, I haven't seen anything I would enjoy. I don't have many Wii games either.
Each system has it's strengths. But when it comes to ease of use, Wii wins. In our home, the Wii is our ultimate party machine. Whenever we have company over, we play one multiplayer game or another. There are even days in which the Wii is never even turned off. It's so heavily played that when the internal fan broke, we set a fan up next to it to prevent overheating. I kid you not.

So yeah, we love Wii. And it has the wear to prove it.
If you like sports games and shooting games go xbox. other than that not to many fun party games.

If you like graphics then go with PS3 oh and if u like expensive hardware that in my op is crap.

If you like decent graphics and fun games go with the wii. Wii is also cheeper to - the controlers.

This is a bit of a favorites thread, but...

Wii all the way. Nintendo owns Ganon sooooo hardcore fan here. :F
I'm going to leave it open because it provides a fair amount of discussion. When it gets spammy, I'll lock it.

The Wii is the only console I have but even if I had an Xbox or PS3, the answer would still be Wii. I just like the style of games on the Wii more than any other system. The playability and fun factor is tons greater. Not to mention the VC which has tons of great games on it.

dmaster out.
It all matters what you're looking for. But if you want a decision I'll break it down into factors.

Best Online:
PS3-Is free, and is just as good as xbox. People just haven't realized it yet.
Xbox 360-Costs money, but has excellent connection.
Wii-Free, but very poor. I very much not reccomend playing online except for a few games.

Best Games:

-Best Party Games (All around. All ages.)
Wii-Has a great supply of them. As the PS3 may have some few better individuals, the overwhelming amount gets it 1st place.
PS3-Has a few good ones. Example Little Big Planet.
XBox 360-Basically none.

Best Shooter
PS3-Now this is very arguable but if you think of all the titles it wins. Uncharted series, Fallout, Dead Space, Assasin's Creed, Cod series, Metal Gear solid, Resistance....
XBox360-Close behind PS3 but only has Halo, cod, and Gears of war.
Wii-Nothing. Just nothing that stands up to XBox 360 and PS3

Best Overall Games
PS3-It has the widest spread of games and best graphics
Wii- Tries to reach shooter but fails. Otherwise extremely widespread games.
XBox360- Seems to prefer the older and mature age group.

Well that's that. Now I own PS3 and Wii. And have experienced tons of XBox360. I would have one but because of the whoel Ring of Death thing... well yeah. Anyway, I have experience with all and chose PS3. Now, hope this put a perspective for you.
You stated that the Wii has no good 'shooters'. Metroid Prime 3 says hello (because while it is a first-person action-adventure, it apparently would fit your opinion of a shooter game)

Oh, and like half of the games you listed as being shooters for the PS3...aren't shooters. Uncharted and Assassin's Creed are both action-adventures, Dead Space is survival-horror, MGS was the pioneer for the stealth-action genre and Fallout 3 is an action-RPG. Just putting that out there.

You also neglect to mention...any other genre of games besides Party, which makes no sense.

Your line about he PS3's Internet made me laugh a little mostly because it sounds like a fanboy desperately trying to defend his system...not calling you a fanboy, it just sounded like that.
They all have their strong points and weaknesses.

PS3 - In my opinion the best console. Free wireless, great graphics, great games and lots of more features.

Xbox 360 - Party chat is awesome, great games. Apparently have the best online service, but it costs money. Although I have no problem with PSN.

Wii - Just for fun. It got boring after awhile for me. Most of the games use the same style of play.
It just depends on you as a person, really. =p

I currently own both a wii and an xbox 360. While the xbox 360 is really great with its awesome graphics and online capabilities, the wii just appeals to me much more.
It just feels more.. fun. And the games on the wii are more suited to me than the 360 is.

Cant say much about the PS3, as I dont have any experience with it.
The 360 and Wii for me.

The 360 has better games in my opinion, such as Gears of War, Halo and Left 4 Dead etc. Yeah you have to pay for online but it isn't that much to be honest, there's no lag ^__^.

Well the Wii, were do I start? Probably my faviroute console ever. The Wii Ware is so fun and you can even download your old faviroutes on the Virtual Console. The games are awesome, Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Resdent Evil 4 Wii Edition. The controls for me make every game fun (not Call Of Duty though which suck anyway >=[).

The PS3 only has Little Big Planet and rip offs of Halo and other shooting games, I mean is that the only catagory that ps3 make?! Everyone says that ps3 owns 360 & wii more beacause it has Little Big Planet, -__-. There were so many games before that the could do Little Big Planet's thing.

If it was Wii vs both of them I'd say the Wii for the reasons abvove ^__^. If people bought good games for their Wii then they'd realise....
darc marc, could you elaborate on what you mean by rip offs of halo, because halo is actually a rip off of wolfenstein as is every other FPS, ;)

and are you serious about the category thing? ever hear of final fantasy? grand theft auto? gran turismo which btw, is the BEST driving simulator out there. there is a reason why each release takes forever to come out. because when it does, its PERFECT.
Wii vs. 360 AND PS3? Oh my. That's quite the double team. =P

If I had to choose, I'd go with the 360 first, although I do have both the 360 and Wii. However, PC gaming is now making a huge comeback, so I'd rather invest in a powerful computer than a console.
You guys need to define "better".

The wii does not try to be a competator to the XBOX and PS3. It's in a league of its own. Just look at the wii in general. Its system specs are laughable compaired to the XBOX and PS3. Its controller is... weird. It has no HD. The internet is subpar at best.

By this definition of "better" the wii should be compaired to the regular XBOX and the PS2. Nintendo achnoledged this and took it into consideration.

Before I go to today, think back to the days of Sega being a console making company. They released games that were basically movies. The games looked great, but allplayed horribly. There was no originality. Nintendo kept releasing 16 bit games while Sega was going into interactive movies. Who won?

I believe it is the same thing now. Nintendo does not try to do what it cannot. They do not have the same amount of money as Sony and Microsoft. They fall back on what is fun. The 360 and PS3 all rely on 3rd party developers choosing their system to expand on. This means that the power struggle between 360 and PS3 will always be in place. Companies like Square and Bungie might suddently decide to be 360 exclusive or PS3 exclusive. Nintendo, however, makes its own content. A good Nintendo fan can always trust that they get their fill of Mario and Metroid, and its FUN. The 360 and PS3 have so many FPS games that its hard to shift through the good ones. Unless you know where to look, you'll basically take a random guess. There are no 1st party games that you can trust to be fun. Nintendo, however, makes their own games (as previously mentioned). Any Wii owner can pick up a game with the Nintendo stamp on it and trust it to be mildly enjoyable.

As previously mentioned, the wii has a very odd set of functions. These odd sets of functions often make people think its "bad". If you want good graphics, go see a Pixar movie. Nintendo falls back on the most important eliment of a video game: fun. It is also very unique. The PS3 and 360 both offer about the same game-style. They lose their own customers to eachother. The Wii is its own unique package. Please find me another game where you can swing the controller to swing a sword, point the controller at the screen to line up a shot, and use the same controller in a good fighting game by using only its buttons.

Overall, there is no "best console". It just depends what you like. The Wii is the unique one. PS3 is the really high-tech one, and 360 is the obsessive FPS player of the bunch.
r3skyline said:
darc marc, could you elaborate on what you mean by rip offs of halo, because halo is actually a rip off of wolfenstein as is every other FPS, ;)

and are you serious about the category thing? ever hear of final fantasy? grand theft auto? gran turismo which btw, is the BEST driving simulator out there. there is a reason why each release takes forever to come out. because when it does, its PERFECT.
No. Halo can't be, it's compoletly differant then Wolfenstein.

Final Fantasy is on DS aswell and it's not made by Sony... Only games thsat Sony made apart from Little Big Planetrip offs. Other games in the past do that better then LBP.