DPPt/HGSS Will my baby Makuhita have Machop's Cross Chop and Revenge?


Still Representin' Hoenn
If I breed a lv 40 Machop with revenge and cross chop. Will my female Makihuta get both moves?
RE: Breeding

Egg moves are passed on via the father. So if there is a male Machop breeding with a female Makuhita, the resulting Makuhita egg will have any egg moves that the father Machop had.
RE: Breeding

OMG this is annoying I caught a
Female lv 8 Rash Makihuta
in granti cave in dewford town.
And a Modest lv 12 Machop male
they don't love each other
so then I caught a Rash Machop
I'm not "Brock the Breeder"
I have no idea what nature they need to have... >_<
RE: Breeding

Can Machop and Makuhita actually breed?

If so, then just wait and an egg will appear eventually.
RE: Breeding

Yes they breed and learn Cross Chop,revange...ect but they're nature isn't right so I just read about it and I'm probaly going to catch another Female Makihuta/Hariyama with a different nature and use my lv 46 MACHOKE because it already knows cross chop and make them breed
RE: Breeding

You know, that old man outside the daycare gives you a little hint. He'll say "Your _______ and _________ are doing fine."

Then he'll say one of four things:

"The two prefer to play with other Pokemon rather than each other."
"The two don't seem to like each other much."
"The two seem to get along."
"The two seem to get along very well."

If you get the first message, they can't breed whatsoever. Any of the other three means they can, but with increased chance the better message you get.

The chance that a Pokemon will lay an egg is generated ever 256 steps you take. Depending on the message, you'll get a better chance (if I'm not mistaken, the chances are 25%, 50%, and 75% respectively.). The base requirement is they need to be in the same egg group. Then, each of the following two factors will increase that chance by one "level":

~The two Pokemon have different OTs (as in, a different person caught each one)
~The two Pokemon are the same species (although when breeding for egg moves this may or may not be possible)

Since you probably have the same OT on both you'll probably get the first message. In that case...? Just keep at it. Breeding is a very tedious art - I know; I've breeded so many Pokemon now it isn't even funny anymore. (I know the number is higher than 500, and is probably closer to 700.)
RE: Breeding

Also, I'm pretty sure getting the Pokemon with the same nature isn't going to affect anything...
RE: Breeding

(it doesn't; only the above factors I mentioned will)