RSE/FRLG Will my dry battery in Ruby affect the RNG?


Forever Young
My Pokemon Ruby has had a dry battery for a long time now and I have never really worried about it till I started to SR for a Torchic, because recently I have been reading the if you have a dry battery in R/S/E you can not SR for a shiny starter because it screws up the RNG. Can someone please confirm this, because I don't want to waste my time shiny hunting for the impossible.
RE: Dry Battery in Ruby

A normal copy of Emerald produces the same type of RNG that an R/S dry battery copy has, meaning that if you start up the game at the exact same time, you will always get the same result. Its extremely complicated, but you can either make it work or not rather well. Here's a video to explain the whole process.
RE: Dry Battery in Ruby

wwhhhaaattt? 0.o I had no idea there was a battery in the game! Does that mean over a long period of time, the games will loose their memory??? I have so many legit shiny pokemon and ribbons T-T hmmmm that will make sense if its true because my silver/crystal version erased my memory and anytime I go to save a game, it erases again! :O