ORAS Will There Be New Gym Leaders/Elite Four?


Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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This might just be me thinking a little too hard about things, but does anyone think that there could be new Gym Leaders in the back half of the game or new Elite Four members? We all know these are remakes, so why not just reveal all the GLs at once?

If memory serves, Steven has already been revealed as the Champion, and Archie and Maxie revealed as the evil team leaders (but drawn in a way so their official artwork covers up their Key Stones), so it seems to me that they are fine revealing things that were in the original games, but keeping new things secret.

I think Steven should be challangeable in that cave with the Ditto again, even though I hate Juan and Wallace, because we don't need two Water guys in the league!
They won't even add post game areas or new Pokemon aside from cross gen evos, what makes you think they would retcon gym leaders? There's pretty much no reason to expect this.
Bolt the Cat said:
They won't even add post game areas or new Pokemon aside from cross gen evos, what makes you think they would retcon gym leaders? There's pretty much no reason to expect this.

How do you know they won't add post-game areas? There could be a whole new section of the game, post-game, like in FRLG. You never get to see the Sevii islands when you see a map of Kanto, unless it's a world or extended map.
Blob55 said:
How do you know they won't add post-game areas? There could be a whole new section of the game, post-game, like in FRLG. You never get to see the Sevii islands when you see a map of Kanto, unless it's a world or extended map.

Do I know for sure? Well not really. But there'd be very little reason for them to go the Sevii Islands route because Hoenn doesn't need that many post game areas. Ideally, what they should've done was use that archipelago of islands in the Pacifidlog/Battle Frontier area for a Battle Zone type place, but they didn't do that. The map doesn't leave much room for new areas, and since XY barely had any post game areas, it makes sense for ORAS to follow suit. So in short, all of the evidence is pointing to minimal post game areas.
XY barely had any post game areas, it makes sense for ORAS to follow suit.

At the bolded, Pokemon Black and white 2 had TONs of post game content, but XY didnt. Pokemon RBY had little post game content, GSC has tons of it. No idea where you got this idea from, ORAS is completely different than XY.

On topic, I think they will nit have any new gym leaders/ E4 members. It would make little sense IMO
Bolt the Cat said:
Do I know for sure? Well not really. But there'd be very little reason for them to go the Sevii Islands route because Hoenn doesn't need that many post game areas. Ideally, what they should've done was use that archipelago of islands in the Pacifidlog/Battle Frontier area for a Battle Zone type place, but they didn't do that. The map doesn't leave much room for new areas, and since XY barely had any post game areas, it makes sense for ORAS to follow suit. So in short, all of the evidence is pointing to minimal post game areas.

I don't think so at all. Every remake has only added post game content and events... I mean, every sequel has more post-game content. Fire Red and Leaf Green had the sevii Islands (with pokemon catchable from other gens), HGSS had the pokeathalon and the battle frontier (plus the whole kanto region, and the "Sinnoh sounds" and "Hoenn sounds"). Remakes, and generally sequels or special editions, just add.

The could completely add new areas that they don't even have to show on the map... but even then, the new map does has some hopeful new looking areas. Lots of the clouded areas look like they're hiding something, Mauville city looks very new with a wall and everything, where the S.S. Cactus sank looks much bigger and expanded, and there is that whole Black shadowy part that looks like it might have something to do with Mega Evolution like the statue in Anistar city in X/Y.

Even if they don't have as many new area's to explore, their post game content is already looking much better. We have Super Secret Bases and Contests to help occupy us. If we're lucky, we could still end up with a Battle Frontier, and I don't see any reason that they won't have the other post game content they had for the original Ruby and Sapphire.

Do I think there will be new Gym Leaders and Elite Four? No, I don't think so. They MIGHT have Juan over Wallace as a leader, but I don't think they'll have anybody new. They might have expanded stories though for the characters though... maybe we will get to meet Juan after defeating Wallace and get to witness the switch of Wallace becoming champion and Juan taking his place as gym leader as post game content.

We are getting a lot of new characters already, such as Aarune and Lisia. And the redesigns of some of the characters are still very fresh and exciting.
I was thinking the reason we haven't gotten artwork for Winona, Tate & Liza, Wallace, Glacia, and Drake is because they had other things they wanted to cover in CoroCoro and they needed to hold off on showing them because they needed room to reveal the cosplay Pikachus, contest stuff and mega evolutions.
Seven is a Color said:
I was thinking the reason we haven't gotten artwork for Winona, Tate & Liza, Wallace, Glacia, and Drake is because they had other things they wanted to cover in CoroCoro and they needed to hold off on showing them because they needed room to reveal the cosplay Pikachus, contest stuff and mega evolutions.

I'd concede that if the following month's CoroCoro had revealed them, but they did not. Not to mention that's a hokey argument anyway because they could easily devote the room if they chose to.
PMJ said:
I'd concede that if the following month's CoroCoro had revealed them, but they did not. Not to mention that's a hokey argument anyway because they could easily devote the room if they chose to.
I see this month's CoroCoro as a "sequel" to the last month's, since it focused a lot on contests and cosplay Pikachus.

It wasn't an argument, btw. I wasn't trying to convince anyone of anything. It was just a personal thought I had about why they haven't been shown yet. I wasn't intending to say "This is the reason they didn't reveal them, and I'm 100% sure of it."
I think there may be some merit to this theory, simply because: 1. they could have easily included them with the other leader/E4 reveal and 2. Why not reveal them if they are the same as when they originally came out. I don't know I'm not an expert in analyzing the minds of gamefreak and pokemon but I believe that either they are gonna go through a drastic change or that they will be replaced or something.
But don't we only have 2 more issues of Corocoro until ORAS come out? Next month will probably be the remaining GLs, E4 and maybe more Megas, while the last one could have stuff on the Friend Safari and where it is.
Blob55 said:
But don't we only have 2 more issues of Corocoro until ORAS come out? Next month will probably be the remaining GLs, E4 and maybe more Megas, while the last one could have stuff on the Friend Safari and where it is.

3, ORAS doesn't come out until the end of November.
Wasn't there another Corocoro after XY was released? So there could be 4 with the last one showcasing the remaining megas along with whatever else they want to show.
King Xerneas said:
Wasn't there another Corocoro after XY was released? So there could be 4 with the last one showcasing the remaining megas along with whatever else they want to show.

Yes, but he specified before ORAS comes out.
Bolt the Cat said:
King Xerneas said:
Wasn't there another Corocoro after XY was released? So there could be 4 with the last one showcasing the remaining megas along with whatever else they want to show.

Yes, but he specified before ORAS comes out.

She and yeah. If they're going to add anything like Pokéwood, they'll probably mention it by next issue.
I don't really think they will add new gym leaders. So far they've all been the same, and Nintendo confirmed it is a direct remake. Of course there are some slight changes, but I don't think any changes will be as big as a new gym leader. However I can see them replacing Glacia with a Fairy-type or Electric-type Elite 4 member. Maybe Aarune is secretly an Elite 4 member with Rock-types or Grass-types? I dunno. But I don't truly think they will change the Elite 4 or Gym Leaders.
Expect the Gym Leaders and Rival and Champion to be the same. However expect a whole new team of Pokemon for each leader. You know that will change for sure XD. I am expecting new teams but the trainers will be the same. The Champion may not be Steven like before though. It might be someone else this time. Or was it Wan Forget the dudes spelling for his name though.:)
xxashxx said:
Expect the Gym Leaders and Rival and Champion to be the same. However expect a whole new team of Pokemon for each leader. You know that will change for sure XD. I am expecting new teams but the trainers will be the same. The Champion may not be Steven like before though. It might be someone else this time. Or was it Wan Forget the dudes spelling for his name though.:)

its already been confirmed Steven is the champion

considering we've seen Wattson advertised with Magneton then it looks like we won't even get their Emerald teams :/

considering what we've seen of ORAS makes them look like copy/paste remakes, I really don't think we'll see much changes in the teams, if any at all