XY Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B / W?

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
I've heard some rumors going around that you won't be able to transfer Pokemon from the Black and White games onto X and Y even If you transferred them over from the Generation 4 games due to hardware limitations and the kind of technology gap that separated Generation 2 with Generation 3. Let's not kid ourselves here, it's inevitable that it's going to happen again eventually as the franchise keeps evolving and it's only a matter of time before Nintendo realizes that they can't expand on current handheld technology like they did in the past as history repeats itself.

When the next hardware gap does happen and I'm thinking it's going to happen with Generation 6, would you stick with Generation 5 of the video game franchise due to having access to the Pokemon you EV trained hard on and/or collected through Wi-Fi Events and Mystery Gifts or would you rather start from scratch with Generation 6? For me I'd stick with the Black and White games cause I'm still able to use my old Pokemon and it's got way better gameplay than Diamond and Pearl which I thought was very slow especially with Wi-Fi. Maybe I'm biased and have too much of an emotional attachment to all the hard work and effort I've put in the Pokemon games for it to be taken away so easily.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

That would be pretty unfortunate, but I don't really see where the problem would be...
Where exactly did your hear these rumors?

One thing I would LOVE to see is name corrections. I'd like to see Gen 3 & 4 Pokemon with ALL CAPS NAMES auto-change to Lower case names when transferred to Gen 6.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

The rumors were posted here on the forums, someone mentioned Satoru Iwata saying in regards to the Generation 6 games, "You will be able to see SOME of your older favorite pokemon" which is probably hinting towards the likelihood of the new games not being backwards compatible with Black and White. It's still too early to tell at the moment since the only other news in regards to X & Y was that the new Starters are completely Grass, Water, Fire just like in every other Generation except for Generation 1 with Bulbasaur being Grass/Poison Type.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Of course it will be compatible, why the heck wouldn't it.

"some older pokemon", clearly this is refering to Pikachu, Eevee and others being ENCOUNTERED in the games and has nothing to do with compatibility and transfering.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Should be, if Pokemon Dream Radar from the 3DS could communicate with BW2, X and Y should probably connect with the 5th gen games.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

The 3DS is designed to be compatible with DS games anyways. Also, with wireless communications being mainstream for the games nowadays, there's no reason X and Y shouldn't have some sort of backwards compatability with previous titles. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they made them so you could use all the DS titles to import Pokemon into the next gen games, or perhaps work out something like the GSC's time capsule so you can trade them back.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I'm actually hoping that they aren't compatible. They did this with Gen.3, and was one of the reasons I love the Third Generation so much. It was a fresh new start.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Bippa said:
I'm actually hoping that they aren't compatible. They did this with Gen.3, and was one of the reasons I love the Third Generation so much. It was a fresh new start.

That would be a fatal mistake at this point in time. If the two games don't make every single Pokemon available between the two of them, it would mean having to make more remakes, which would frustrate people beyond belief! That is, unless they make other kinds of games akin to Pokemon XD.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Most likely. The only way it could be made not compatible is if they made some huge change in a Pokemon's identity that absolutely couldn't be edited when transferring it. For instance, 3rd gen changed the IV system, which is one of the reasons why it wasn't backwards compatible with 2nd (another major reason being the difference in trading between the two gens, but that shouldn't be a problem anymore).

Incinermyn said:
That would be a fatal mistake at this point in time. If the two games don't make every single Pokemon available between the two of them, it would mean having to make more remakes, which would frustrate people beyond belief! That is, unless they make other kinds of games akin to Pokemon XD.

They could probably get away with it, but not as a straight remake, I think people will get bored of that easily. But if they did BW2 style sequels, then they'd be worth replaying.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I hope not. I've always moved my teams from the old games up each update. I still have my original Leafgreen Team/Legends on Black 2 and I'd be really sad if they couldn't be moved again.

I really doubt they would do that again, and it probably won't happen for a (hopefully) long time.

What if they made a Wii Game that was like a Pokemon Box 2 that could be a holding place for BW pokemon that can be moved to XY?
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

frostwind said:
I hope not. I've always moved my teams from the old games up each update. I still have my original Leafgreen Team/Legends on Black 2 and I'd be really sad if they couldn't be moved again.

I really doubt they would do that again, and it probably won't happen for a (hopefully) long time.

What if they made a Wii Game that was like a Pokemon Box 2 that could be a holding place for BW pokemon that can be moved to XY?

But then everyone without a Wii (aka me) would not be able to transfer their Pokemon...
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I guess they could make a similar thing but as a 3DS app so everyone could use it. That's the only universal way, since a lot of people can't/don't use the pokemon site.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

If there's not backwards compatibility, I won't buy any of these games and I'll just stick to Gen V. period

But I'm pretty sure there will be...
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Mitja said:
Of course it will be compatible, why the heck wouldn't it.

Because Game Freak might not be able to convert 469+ 2D Sprites to that many 3D Sprites in X & Y as it would probably take up more hardware space than the 3DS can handle? It really depends on the limitations of the 3DS and how much memory space there is to store all that data. Perhaps they will do the transfer method in the way the Dream World is used in Generation 5.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I guess we'll just have to see how much space the game takes up, but I think the 3DS could handle it easily enough.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Card Slinger J said:
Mitja said:
Of course it will be compatible, why the heck wouldn't it.

Because Game Freak might not be able to convert 469+ 2D Sprites to that many 3D Sprites in X & Y as it would probably take up more hardware space than the 3DS can handle? It really depends on the limitations of the 3DS and how much memory space there is to store all that data. Perhaps they will do the transfer method in the way the Dream World is used in Generation 5.

That's why there is the 3DS pokedex pro. they can use those 3D models.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Card Slinger J said:
Mitja said:
Of course it will be compatible, why the heck wouldn't it.

Because Game Freak might not be able to convert 469+ 2D Sprites to that many 3D Sprites in X & Y as it would probably take up more hardware space than the 3DS can handle? It really depends on the limitations of the 3DS and how much memory space there is to store all that data. Perhaps they will do the transfer method in the way the Dream World is used in Generation 5.

Sorry, what?

I assure you, there is no hardware/data/size/memory problem with X&Y having all ~750 pokemon. The 3DS carts alone are like 10times the size of DS carts in terms of data.

Otherwise they wouldn't have even gone that way lol.

That they wouldn't include every pokemon (especially when we see plenty old ones in the trailer alone) is preposterous.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Apparently, Masuda confirmed in a Q&A with fans last month that they have no intention of doing away with backwards compatibility anytime soon. I think it's reasonable to expect that our transferred Pokemon could change in some way when moved over, however. Such as a reworking of IVs, EV calculation, base stats, etc, etc. Flat out incompatibility though? Doubtful.

In Japan, the 3DS eShop already features a transfer application for another monster game, Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D. It allows data to be moved from the DS titles DQM: Joker 2 and Joker 2 Professional. It's very likely Game Freak will employ a similar method to move data from Generation V games to X and Y.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

Oh, thank god! I spent way too much time and wasted too much precious sleeping time training pokemon that I'd be a fool to let them throw incompatability at me, and my reaction will be 'Meh, okay.' That said, it's not like I'll be able to do anything about it anyway.
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?

I've never even thought about it as a possibility at this point, but something just occurred to me....

Hidden power type is dependant on the same data as IVs, ability, nature..
Its safe to assume that Hidden Power should be able to be Fairy type now too, right?

That means at the very least how Hidden Power is calculated will be changed. So even if you can transfer your precious HP Ice Heatran and co, they won't have that Hidden Power anymore, unless they change it to something that is not fixed (in which case the transfered hidden power Pokémon aren't that special anyway).

Also, at E3, Masuda mentioned they encountered issues with making them compatible but are looking for solutions, which I haven't expected at all.