Winners of PokeBeach's November 2017 PTCGO Tournament! Deck Lists and Interview!

Ilir Nikqi

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game-kortstokkeske-oversikt ******

##Pokémon - 17

* 3 Drampa-GX GRI 142
* 2 Zoroark BREAK BKT 92
* 4 Zorua BKT 89
* 3 Zoroark BKT 91
* 1 Zoroark-GX SLG 53
* 1 Tapu Koko PR-SM SM31
* 1 Espeon-EX BKP 52
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 137

##Trenerkort - 33

* 4 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 2 Rescue Stretcher BUS 165
* 4 N FCO 105
* 1 Lillie SUM 147
* 2 Enhanced Hammer GRI 162
* 3 Po Town BUS 121
* 4 Choice Band GRI 121
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 1 Special Charge STS 105
* 2 Float Stone PLF 99
* 1 Brigette BKT 161
* 4 Ultra Ball SLG 68
* 2 Field Blower GRI 163

##Energi - 10

* 6 Darkness Energy 7
* 4 Double Colorless Energy EVO 90

Totalt antall kort - 60

****** Kortstokkeske-oversikt generert av Pokémon TCG Online ******

Michael Robb

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 15

* 2 Oranguru SUM 113
* 3 Lapras-GX SUM 139
* 2 Manaphy-EX BKP 32
* 2 Palkia-EX BKP 31
* 2 Golduck BREAK BKP 18
* 2 Psyduck SUM 28
* 2 Golduck SUM 29

##Trainer Cards - 33

* 1 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 3 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
* 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 4 Energy Switch SUM 117
* 3 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 4 Random Receiver FCO 109
* 3 Field Blower GRI 125
* 4 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 2 Max Potion BKP 103

##Energy - 12

* 12 Water Energy 3

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online ******


****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******
##Pokémon - 11
* 1 Oranguru SUM 113
* 1 Mr. Mime GEN 52
* 1 Espeon-EX BKP 117
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
* 3 Lapras-GX SUM 139
* 2 Manaphy-EX BKP 116
* 1 Tapu Fini-GX BUS 39
##Trainer Cards - 36
* 4 Aqua Patch GRI 119
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 4 Po Town BUS 121
* 2 Lillie SUM 122
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 2 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 4 N FCO 105
* 3 Choice Band GRI 121
* 1 Field Blower GRI 125
##Energy - 13
* 13 Water Energy XYEnergy 9
Total Cards - 60
****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online ******


****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 13

* 2 Drampa-GX GRI 115
* 3 Cobalion STS 74
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
* 2 Remoraid BKT 32
* 1 Remoraid BKT 31
* 3 Octillery BKT 33

##Trainer Cards - 33

* 1 Maintenance FFI 96
* 4 Po Town BUS 121
* 1 Brigette BKT 134
* 1 Super Rod BKT 149
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125
* 4 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 4 N FCO 105
* 4 Choice Band GRI 121
* 4 Professor Sycamore XY 122

##Energy - 14

* 4 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136
* 10 Metal Energy 8

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online ******
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My Ninetales list I take to my local leagues on Sundays is almost identical to the list in this article, except the 3rd Tapu Lele is a Bench Barrier mr. mime from the Break Through expansion, and I play 2 luminous barrier Ninetales and only 2 Ninetales GX. at several times my opponents actually go to pick up my mr mime to see what it does and to check if its legal in standard of all things. it actually makes me laugh when players don't even know this card exists.

Buzzwoles are big in my area, so Mr. Mimes bench barrier ability stops his attack from doing 30 to any of my bench pokemon. it also stops opposing tapu koko's from flying flips, (except active pokemon damage) and in the mirror match, Ninetales GX can not use ice blade on any of bench Pokemon
Congratulations to @stevexue on winning the Championship and to all the top 8 finalists. Also big congrats to the other skill-based winners.
Holy Arceus, is that Lunala-GX in a Solgaleo build?

Whoever that guy was, his list looks so cool! I've never seen too many Solgaleo / Lunala decks except from the gimmicky ones back when Sun and Moon Base Set was in it's inception. Anything that uses Lunala (and all of it's variants included) I give a nice pat on the back to, @theprp30 I love your list, great job! Also, that lunala was probably nice for getting a knock out on Buzzwole / Espeon.

Nice props also to @stevexue for taking a tournament with alolan ninetales :)
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