Winston-Salem, NC (1st Place)


Avid Trader/Player
This is my second weekend of Cities, last weekend I played in Ft. Mill, SC and Charlotte, NC. I went 4-2 in Ft. Mill, and 2-3 in Charlotte. Before that, I had never had a loosing record. This week I felt I had something to prove...

I decided to go with the tried and true LuxChomp. Instead of a Dialga G tech, Played a Blaziken FB because Steelix and DialgaChomp are popular here.

Five rounds with a top four.

Round 1 Vs. Eric N. (Steelix)

I opened rather nicely: Blaziken FB tech really payed off here, and pulled 3 prizes for me.


Round 2 Vs. Walker L. (Machamp)

I'm playing SP there isn't much else to It, really. I managed to make it down to two prizes thanks to premier ball and the surprise Uxie Lv.X. Like I said though, it was Machamp I'm playing SP with no counter.


Round 3 Vs. [I'm sorry, I don't remember your name] (Stellix)

She started okay, with an Onix active and benched, but I was able to kill the first one, then I Bright Looked the Blissy and sniped with Garchomp for the of the rest of my prizes. Her judges kept screwing me up though.


Round 4 Vs. David C. (Mother Gengar W/ Mewtwo)

This game really just sucked for me, I went in feeling kind of okay because I was 2-1, I felt I had a shot at top cut as long as I managed to not get any other bad parings. That was until I saw the Mewtwo. I had a single chance to kill it, he benched it and I had a Luxray GL active, a Uxie on the bench, DCE, Uxie Lv.X, and another Uxie in hand. I attached the DCE, went for the Set Up for six, and missed any of the several cards that would have gotten me the Luxray GL Lv.X I needed. (I feel a list is needed to emphasize how unlucky I was, left in the deck was: 4x Cyrus's Conspiracy, 1x Bebe's Search, 2x Premier Ball, and 2x SP Radar) The worst part is that I dropped my DGX to put in the Blaziken FB.


Round 5 Vs. Perry G. (LuxChomp)

He starts an Unown Q, I started Luxray GL and a DCE. I went first.


So here I am, 3-2 and ready to leave, but my friend wanted to stay and see standings. I'm glad he did. It turns out I was the top 3-2, there were no undefeated, and the top 4-1 dropped. I made it into top cut at 4th place with a 3-2 record!

Top Cut Round 1 Vs. Zack [L?] (DialgaChomp)

Game 1: I don't really remember this game all that well. Blaziken being on the bench with a fire for most of the game prevented him from really getting a Dialga set up. He starts to set up a Garchomp C to begin taking prizes, but I Bright Look it up and then use Mach Blow with Dragonite FB to shut him down. I kept shutting him down with Dragonite for most of the game. He finally scoops because he hasn't seen a Cyrus's all game.

Game 2: He got off to a better start overall but I was able to scare him with Blaziken FB and tear him apart with Dragonite FB. He drops a Snowpoint Temple later in the game, but all it did was hurt him: he now absolutely had to Dragon Rush to kill my Dragonite FB.


Top Cut Round 2 Vs. Eric N. (Steelix)

Game 1: Probably the most intense game I have ever played. It was an unbelievably tough game, made even worse by my prizes. In order from top left: Cyrus's Conspiracy, Cyrus's Conspiracy, DCE, Cyrus's Conspiracy, Call Energy, Psychic Energy. 30 Minutes into the game, and no one has pulled a prize. Finally I pull the first prize: Earlier, before I knew what my prizes were I say "Well, at least I have a 50/50 shot of pulling a Cyrus, right?" Eric's response: "I know all about 50/50 chances." Now, naturally I pulled from the bottom right up to the top left, (That's how I always pull when I don't know my prizes.) so first thing I got was a Psychic Energy. "Alright," I say, "Now I have a 60% chance of pulling the Cyrus." Eric responds to my knockout in kind, and I proceed to return the favor with Blaziken FB Lv.X's Jet Shoot. I got the Call Energy now. "Okay, 75% chance of getting the Cyrus's now. He ko's my Blaziken FB, and ties it up again. He then takes the lead before I tie it up with a cheap Uxie bench snipe. Now he has a Steelix Active with 4 Special Metals, a DCE and the expert belt attached. That is serious trouble for me. I manage to get my Blaziken FB Lv.X back, and I am only able to Flash Bite him 3 times before I Jet Shoot and put him at 150 of 160. I have a way to do exactly 50 damage, two turns from now, and I have 2 power sprays in hand to stop the Nurse Call both turns. on his turn, he has six cards in his deck, draws one, down to five. He plays 2 MooMoo Milk, and a Life Herb, manages to flip all tales. Holy crap that was stressful. He then plays Volkner’s and draws 4 cards, plays Life Herb and flips heads. “Well, there goes the game” I thought. Then I realized he needed two more turns but only had one card left. His last Judge and Bebe’s were the last prizes for him to get so I managed to win on deck out. This game is now one of my all time favorite games I have ever played. It may not have been the most fun way to win, but it was a fantastic game, nonetheless.

Game 2: He starts Smeargle, and I start Garchomp C and a Q on the bench. He goes second so I attach the DCE and Claw Swipe. He attaches an Expert Belt and a DCE and gets a bit set up in the background. Tail Rap, two tails: dodged one bullet. Next turn I level up, attach an Energy to Garchomp C, bench a Promocroak, and Dragon Rush the Smeargle. He heals it all off, gets a bit more set up, and flips two heads on the Tail Rap for the KO. I bring up Promocroak, attach the psychic and the gain, and take the two prizes. It was mostly downhill from there for him and I managed to win it just before time would have been called.

I actually managed to do it! This is my first cities win ever. I have to say Thank you to Mike Reynolds for dropping and allowing me into top cut.
RE: Winston-Salem, NC

way to go man. you played a lot of tough players and still ended up taking the cities! I loved how you went 3-2 and still ended up winning. good luck in your future cities!
RE: Winston-Salem, NC

I love how the Props is to a guy who dropped lol.Anyways good job winning and it seemed the Blaziken paid off here.