Witch Deck For Worlds?

What deck Sould I Use At Worlds this Year?

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Won My BR With Blazetran!
What deck should I Use at Worlds This Year? I Want It Too Be Good But Not To Expensive.

Thanks :D

P.S. If This is In the wrong Section, Please Move It.
Is a witch deck about Mismagius?

Anyways, why don't you scope out the modified deck forum for some ideas and see what you like and then ask for advice about what you choose. I mean you haven't really said what you like and there are so many answers.
Medaforcer said:
Is a witch deck about Mismagius?

Anyways, why don't you scope out the modified deck forum for some ideas and see what you like and then ask for advice about what you choose. I mean you haven't really said what you like and there are so many answers.

I Played a Blaziken/Typhlsion deck (I made it with only $20) and got 16th at Reiginals, and I enjoyed playing it.
But I'm not sure that even if I did add Claydols/Uxies etc. if it would be good enough to make it in to worlds. (From the last chance quialifier)

This is my last year in Joinior so in my mind it's my last chance at worlds, and I REALLY wanna make it. ^^

Could I make Blaziken/Typhlosion good enough for Worlds?
ThePokemonDude said:
Medaforcer said:
Is a witch deck about Mismagius?

Anyways, why don't you scope out the modified deck forum for some ideas and see what you like and then ask for advice about what you choose. I mean you haven't really said what you like and there are so many answers.

I Played a Blaziken/Typhlsion deck (I made it with only $20) and got 16th at Reiginals, and I enjoyed playing it.
But I'm not sure that even if I did add Claydols/Uxies etc. if it would be good enough to make it in to worlds. (From the last chance quialifier)

This is my last year in Joinior so in my mind it's my last chance at worlds, and I REALLY wanna make it. ^^

Could I make Blaziken/Typhlosion good enough for Worlds?
Do you have Claydols?
try speed scizor, some guy at my league uses it, and it almost beat my deck, i'm in seniors, so your opponents schould be easier, nd to top it off, the guy at my league does'n't even use pluspower or bucks, and no cherrim. ;]
Medaforcer said:
ThePokemonDude said:
Medaforcer said:
Is a witch deck about Mismagius?

Anyways, why don't you scope out the modified deck forum for some ideas and see what you like and then ask for advice about what you choose. I mean you haven't really said what you like and there are so many answers.

I Played a Blaziken/Typhlsion deck (I made it with only $20) and got 16th at Reiginals, and I enjoyed playing it.
But I'm not sure that even if I did add Claydols/Uxies etc. if it would be good enough to make it in to worlds. (From the last chance quialifier)

This is my last year in Joinior so in my mind it's my last chance at worlds, and I REALLY wanna make it. ^^

Could I make Blaziken/Typhlosion good enough for Worlds?
Do you have Claydols?

I have 1.
If that's not enough then crap because I don't wanna spend $15 on sumthing that's gunna be banned next year.
I'm only 10, so my budjet is kinda low, but I alreaddy have the Blazikens/Typhlosions witch gives me more $ for support if I use it, witch helps.

red blastoise said:
try speed scizor, some guy at my league uses it, and it almost beat my deck, I'm in seniors, so your opponents schould be easier, nd to top it off, the guy at my league does'n't even use pluspower or bucks, and no cherrim. ;]

speed scizor huh? I'll look into it ;D

Okay I'm clueless.... witch Scizor is used for Speed Scizor? XD
Run Flygon. SO many decks will run a Lv.X. Flygon 1-hits pretty much every single one. And it can do a constant 110 each turn if you know what you're doing. Plus, free retreat to pretty much everything, kills off stadiums and benefits from it, deck destruction, a good basic starter(you can even charge it up T2 if you know what you're doing), AND a good stage 1 game finisher that crushes Kingdra? Sign me up.

Flygon is so awesome that it's not even funny.
Shiftry or Infernape E4 are my favorite decks right now. I'm going to Last Chance Qualifier also, just run something that you are confident with the most. Test them all out and see which is the best.

All decks are good, but it's just the style you have it built. There really is no best deck, they're all good.
Pokefan4000 said:
Run Flygon. SO many decks will run a Lv.X. Flygon 1-hits pretty much every single one. And it can do a constant 110 each turn if you know what you're doing. Plus, free retreat to pretty much everything, kills off stadiums and benefits from it, deck destruction, a good basic starter(you can even charge it up T2 if you know what you're doing), AND a good stage 1 game finisher that crushes Kingdra? Sign me up.

Flygon is so awesome that it's not even funny.

Problem is I don't think I can afford it.

I get $10 a week, and I need to be %100 that my cards come by Worlds, so I'll get $120 AT THE MOST. Is that enough to make a good flygon deck?
Why think about worlds so fast ? Why now? I mean if you are planning to go for worlds . First, you got to bulk up with your budget(or not I don't think you are going to make it :/ ).Secondly,you should observe more and ask yourself questions like "whats the most popular deck??","what is the strategy?how do you counter it?" and so on....Observe more...learn more....Observe is good....

This is what I do ;P
koayteow said:
Why think about worlds so fast ? Why now? I mean if you are planning to go for worlds . First, you got to bulk up with your budget(or not I don't think you are going to make it :/ ).Secondly,you should observe more and ask yourself questions like "whats the most popular deck??","what is the strategy?how do you counter it?" and so on...Observe more...learn more...Observe is good....

This is what I do ;P

First of all, I'm 10, that's about the best budget I can get.
Sencond of all, even if I don't qualify for Worlds fron Nats I'm still going, and entering the last chance quialifier. Basicly either way I AM going to worlds and I DO need a good deck.
I'm not making this a what deck for Nats thread because there's a high chance I won't be able to go to Nats, and I want to be sure this is the best for WORLDS not Nats.

Does that make sence? :D
ThePokemonDude said:
Pokefan4000 said:
Run Flygon. SO many decks will run a Lv.X. Flygon 1-hits pretty much every single one. And it can do a constant 110 each turn if you know what you're doing. Plus, free retreat to pretty much everything, kills off stadiums and benefits from it, deck destruction, a good basic starter(you can even charge it up T2 if you know what you're doing), AND a good stage 1 game finisher that crushes Kingdra? Sign me up.

Flygon is so awesome that it's not even funny.

Problem is I don't think I can afford it.

I get $10 a week, and I need to be %100 that my cards come by Worlds, so I'll get $120 AT THE MOST. Is that enough to make a good flygon deck?
I bet it is. Let's see, I picture Flygon Lv.X at $25-30 bucks. You said you have a Claydol, so you can get another for about $15(if you want to run Setup) or get a couple Uxies for $30-40(if you want to run my personal favorite, Turbo Flygon, which charged up a Flygon T1 or T2).

So far, you have about $50 to $80 left to spend. That'll be plenty to get the reg. Flygons, a Mewtwo Lv.X(if you want to destroy SP decks), or some others that let you disrupt, like Let Lose Giratina or LA Mesprit.

Flygon is a bit on the expensive side, but not expensive as decks like AMU. If you get the right cards, Flygon WILL tear up everything in sight.
I don't think Flygon is going to be so cheap. Since you said you have a low budget.
Pokefan4000 said:
ThePokemonDude said:
Pokefan4000 said:
Run Flygon. SO many decks will run a Lv.X. Flygon 1-hits pretty much every single one. And it can do a constant 110 each turn if you know what you're doing. Plus, free retreat to pretty much everything, kills off stadiums and benefits from it, deck destruction, a good basic starter(you can even charge it up T2 if you know what you're doing), AND a good stage 1 game finisher that crushes Kingdra? Sign me up.

Flygon is so awesome that it's not even funny.

Problem is I don't think I can afford it.

I get $10 a week, and I need to be %100 that my cards come by Worlds, so I'll get $120 AT THE MOST. Is that enough to make a good flygon deck?
I bet it is. Let's see, I picture Flygon Lv.X at $25-30 bucks. You said you have a Claydol, so you can get another for about $15(if you want to run Setup) or get a couple Uxies for $30-40(if you want to run my personal favorite, Turbo Flygon, which charged up a Flygon T1 or T2).

So far, you have about $50 to $80 left to spend. That'll be plenty to get the reg. Flygons, a Mewtwo Lv.X(if you want to destroy SP decks), or some others that let you disrupt, like Let Lose Giratina or LA Mesprit.

Flygon is a bit on the expensive side, but not expensive as decks like AMU. If you get the right cards, Flygon WILL tear up everything in sight.

As much as I'd love to run flygon, and my mom says I get $10 a week, she probolly won't let me spend more then $80 on cards.

She thinks it's a waste of moeny. x.x

BTW, I could make a Blaze Train deck that could 1TKO a Flygon Lv.X, when Flygon Lv.X would take 2 turns at the least to Kill Baziken, saying that the max it can do to a non-Lv.X is 110 >:D
Why do not you try playing Blazetran, with the new Blaziken and Heatran LV.X.
Shiftry to counter flip decks besides Gengar. Machamp gets tails besides it, but Dialga G Lv.X goes to it.

I'm still trying to look at the new Walrein. On your list, Gallade, AMU, or Blaziken.