Pokemon: 18
Strategy: I've seen this deck a few times, and it's pretty cool. Basically, the idea is to use Golbat and Crobat to put damage on the opposing Pokemon, getting snipes when possible and setting up kills. As a result, Scoop Ups and AZs allow me to reuse the Golbat and Crobat. When racking up damage, Wobbuffet can deal a lot of damage, doing 10 damage more than the opponents pokemon already has. Combined with a Golbat and 2 Crobats, it can potentially 1-turn the 170 HP Pokemon EX.
I know I need another Super Scoop Up, but I can't seem to get my hands on one.
4| Crobat (Phantom Forces)
4| Golbat (Phantom Forces)
4| Wobbuffet (Phantom Forces)
2| Zubat (Phantom Forces)
2| Zubat (Plasma Storm)
1| Jirachi-EX
4| Ultra Ball
3| Super Scoop Up
2| Silver Bangle
2| VS Seeker
1| Float Stone
1| Scoop Up Cyclone
4| AZ
4| N
4| Professor Sycamore
4| Skyla
2| Lysandre
1| Lysandre's Trump Card
4| Dimension Valley
6| Psychic Energy
Strategy: I've seen this deck a few times, and it's pretty cool. Basically, the idea is to use Golbat and Crobat to put damage on the opposing Pokemon, getting snipes when possible and setting up kills. As a result, Scoop Ups and AZs allow me to reuse the Golbat and Crobat. When racking up damage, Wobbuffet can deal a lot of damage, doing 10 damage more than the opponents pokemon already has. Combined with a Golbat and 2 Crobats, it can potentially 1-turn the 170 HP Pokemon EX.
I know I need another Super Scoop Up, but I can't seem to get my hands on one.