XY Wonder Trade Stories


Aspiring Trainer
I didn't see a thread on this, so I'm going to make it. Anyway, I enjoy Wonder Trade. Case in point, I was doing it with my niece tonight for fun. And turns out, we end up doing a trade with each other! What I'd like to know is this: what are the odds of that happening? And has anyone ever had this happen with someone else before?

Also, if you have any cool Wonder Trade stories, this would be a good place to tell them. I have a few others, I just don't feel like cluttering the thread. Happy Wonder Trading, everyone!

MtheW here, I just want to reiterate what I said in my post later on in this thread. There is to be no spamming of lists of Pokemon that you have received from Wonder Trade. This is for stories and/or interesting happenings that have occurred through or because of Wonder Trade.


I tend to get "bad" competitive eggs from wonder trade (4-5IV babies with the wrong nature). I happily take them since they make good parents.

Also got a Delibird nicknamed Merry X-mas, on Christmas Eve :|

Cool that you managed to trade with your niece while she was local though.
It was the day after thanksgiving like at around 2am and I was wonder trading while half asleep and when I opened my eyes to see what I got, someone had traded me a Mewtwo. I was kinda surprised :p
There are awesome stories, my Friend has getting Latios of Wonder Trade. And the best what I get was an Lv.35 Lucario.. :\
I got a Zygarde through WT once, that was fun. My friend also sent a shiny Pidgey through WT, so whoever got that could post that in this thread if they saw it.
I got a Scatterbug last night that after i trained it to stage 2 was a Monsoon Pattern Vivillion :D
I got Cyndaquil that way, a Zygarde, Shiny Cacturne, and the pokerus that way. I also got a few quad and quint IV'd pokemon that I've used in breeding. Mind you I got a ton of useless trash, some of which I just released, but the highlights more than make up for all of that.
ARG! I've never found anything good on WT :mad: Everyone else finds all this col stuff and I WT for an hour and find nothing!
I wonder traded some Snivys and Oshawotts. I get Fletchlings, Mankeys, Caterpies in return. I sometimes wish to send my arm through the 3DS and strangle the funny guy who sent those.

I did get a Cyndaquil early when Pokebank was released. And some foreign males which could come in handy for Masuda breeding. Oh and some pokerus infected mons. Otherwise... usually garbage. I'm okay with receiving egg rejects but I hate receiving stuff people caught at the beginning of their journey.
I often get breeding leftovers (ie babies with the wrong IV's).
I got a few Bank mons through it as well (namely starters)

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Well, after the pokebank came out I literally spent 12 hours over the course of 2 days wonder trading. In that time I got:

HA Chimchar with 5 IVs
HA Shiny Eevee (wrong nature and crap IVs though)
Shiny Dialga

I also am utterly astonished that I got a lot of junk pokemon with horrific nicknames like BALLZSWAG, 420BLZIT, effyou... etc... oh how fail the nintendo/GF filters are...
Late one night in December, I was feverishly Wonder Trading, hoping to get a Pokebank starter. I was on what was probably my last trade for the night (I was getting pretty tired), and stepped away from my game for a few moments to brush my teeth. When I returned, I checked my PC to see what I got.

It was a Piplup.

Said Piplup was later put onto my Y version playthrough team, where it is now an Empoleon.
Lots of interesting Wonder Trades! Because I'm tired (and in case anyone is interested), I'm going to copy-paste a list of Wonder Trades I got when I traded away 150 Squirtles. I'll try and hide it in spoiler tags, but if not then you'll all just have to deal with scrolling through my giant text block. :p I wrote notes on a few of these, but not all of them, but the copy-paste didn't seem to format that right. Oh well!

Box 7
12:18 PM to 2 PM (or around then, anyway), 11/7
-Budew level 8
-Rhyhorn, level 17
-Eevee, level 1
-Scyther, level 7
-Fletchling, level 1
-Mawile, level 1
-Kanghaskhan, level 1
-Early Bird + Adamant
-Phantump, level 1 -> Evolved into Trevenant, level 1
-Staryu, level 1
-Growlithe, level 1
-Pansage, level 25
-Skarmory, level 1
-Bunnelby, level 4
-Larvitar, level 1
-Swoobat (or Woobat, w/e it is), level 15
-Klefki, level 1
-Has prankster
-Wobbuffet, level 26
-Snubbull, level 20
-Ralts, level 1
-Pidgey, level 3
-Zorua, level 1
-Wooper, level 1
-Ferroseed, level 1
-Mienfoo, level 38
-Pidgey, level 30
-Ducklett, level 14
-Beldum, level 1
-Dratini, level 1
-Simipour, level 4
-Fletchling, level 4

Box 8
-Noibat, level 1
-Zorua, level 1
-Noctowl, level 49
-Ditto, level 49
-Zorua, level 1
-Pichu, level 1
-Volt tackle
-Machop, level 15
-Squirtle, level 1
-Skitty, level 8
-Alomomola, level 35
-Pancham, level 10
-Eevee, level 1
-Absol, level 15
-Fletchling, level 3
-Ralts, level 1
-Krabby, level 30
-Eevee, level 1
-Has anticipation
-Slowpoke, level 13
-Machamp, level 30
-Has no guard + jolly nature
-Minccino, level 14
-Farfetch’d, level 7
-Gastly, level 1
-Pidgey, level 3
-Hawlucha, level 1
-Gothorita, level 49
-Tentacool, level 25
-Qwilfish, level 35
-Kakuna, level 30
-I feel bad for whoever’s friend safari this is
-Durant, level 44
-Helioptile, level 1

2:50 PM – 3:06 PM
Box 9
-Flabebe, level 6
-Fletchling, level 4
-Lileep, level 20
-Scatterbug, level 3
-Ursaring, level 51
-With guts!
-Ralts, Level 1
-Torchic, level 1
-Has speed boost AND baton pass! Overpowered?
-Mawile, level 31
-Budew, level 8
-Fennekin, level 7
-Named !!!!
-Bunnelby, level 3
3:54 through 4:18 PM
-Scatterbug, level 3
-Graveler -> Golem, level 44
-Bunnelby, level 6
-Shroomish, level 1
-French, has poison heal. Bad nature though.
-Pansear, level 4
-Roselia, level 14
-Panpour, level 4
-Fletchling, level 3
-Squirtle, level 1
-Quagsire, level 39
-Fletchling, level 1
-Honedge, level 1
-Chansey, level 30
-Aerodactyl, level 20
-Stunfisk, level 31
-Quagsire, level 31
-Hariyama, level 22
-Flabebe, level 8
-Beartic, level 39

Box 10
7:26 – 7:35
-Oddish, level 12
-Nicknamed Toilets
-Caterpie, level 3
-Mienfoo, level 14
-Luvdisc, level 15
-Omanyte, level 20
-Furfrou, level 9
8:38 – 8:46
-Dugtrio, level 28
-Scatterbug, level 3
-Pidgey, level 3
-Best of this bad box (besides the Omanyte) so far. It’s in a luxury ball
-Fletchling, level 2
-Snubbull, level 3
-Pansage, level 4
10:24 – 10:48
-Goomy, level 1
-Fennekin, level 1
-Gourgeist, level 36
-Espurr, level 1
-Has yawn and trick: are these egg moves, or no? Calm nature seems good.
-Pansage, level 4
-Kabuto, level 20
-Ralts, level 12
-Charmander, level 1
-Pancham, level 10
-Nicknamed panda: how creative
-Lapras, level 1
-Floatzel, level 38
-Venipede, level 1
-Weepinbell, level 46
-Honedge, level 1
-Caterpie, level 3
-Minccino, level 30
-Hawlucha, level 20
-Karrablast, level 47

Box 11
-Helioptile, level 1
-Bunnelby, level 3
-Gible, level 1
-Jolly nature and has rough skin. That’s pretty good! Japanese too.
-Charmander, level 1
-Mothim, level 20
-Good for the Pokedex
-Fletchinder, level 18
-Flame body
-Ralts, level 1
-Bold, synchronize
-Squirtle, level 1
-Scyther, level 1
-Adamant, technician
-Foongus, level 35
-Spoink, level 13
-Larvesta, level 1
-Magikarp, level 17
-Odd that I didn’t have one before now
-Gulpin, level 10
-Hawlucha, level 1
-Wobbuffet, level 33
-Eevee, level 1
-Anticipation + timid
-Marill, level 18
-Staryu, level 1
-Rotom, level 1
-French, timid
-Espurr, level 30
-Hawlucha, level 19
-Litleo, level 6
-Gible, level 1
-Bulbasaur, level 1
-Trapinch, level 26
-Ralts, level 1
-Goomy, level 1
-French, might be a good nature (bold), and has sap sipper
-Wooper, level 1
-Who wasted their time breeding this?
-Spinda, level 58
-Has eviolite. Oddly enough this is the third time I’ve gotten this item through wonder trade.
The best things I've gotten is a shiny Goldeen, and my super size Pumpkaboo (now Gourgeist) :)
Other than that, not so much
The past 2 days I've been going nuts over Wonder Trade. I actually made a little game out of it called the "Already-have-it-WT-it-challenge" (Best name ever right? XD) where if I get a Pokemon I already have caught myself I trade my own away. Exceptions that I keep are starters, Eevees and Pokemon I don't have. That really increases your chance of winning better prizes at the Loto ID Corner in Lumiose. I've gotten to the point where I get PP Ups on a almost daily basis.

Anyway, I did manage to get a Feebas, Charmander, Chimchar, Snivy, a female Froakie and a Fennekin with Magician. I also got an Eevee with Anticipation.
Weirdest thing just happened to me, im off trading scatterbugs and then all of a sudden the message is different it says "welcome back scatterbug" instead of whatever else it is, i look at the OT and id....

Its my own freaking scatterbug, just WT back to me from some guy in Chile.

When I was wondertrading pokerus'd pokemon, I sent out a pidgey once. Only to get a pidgey in return. So I send that pidgey out to wondertrade, and I get ANOTHER pidgey. "OTL
The best things I get are basically pokemon I didn't have yet.

My friend got a Yveltal through wondertrade. ; A ; So jealoussss.
I can't even get other legendaries since I dont' own past games/consoles either. I'm just gonna have to work EXTRA hard as a breeder. >:

How about some of the weirdest/funniest names for pokemon you've gotten through wondertrade?
Personally, the only name I've gotten that were weird were all not so kid-friendly, so I just released them. It makes me die a little inside to see that kind of stuff in a kids game. ):
Whenever I WT stuff i give them really bad names like "aaaaaaaa" or once I put "SpamOnWT"
Usually I just give them nicknames with repeated letters are really generic ones such as "#1" or "Jeffery"
You know, since you can't nickname traded Pokemon