Ruling Worlds Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Can anyone tell me what is inside the 2006 worlds deck and what ratios they have? I do not have money to buy the promo cards. I am just curious. Thanks a lot!
What's a ratio? If you're talking about the Trainer-Energy-Pokémon ratio, I assume it's the same as almost enery other deck here. I know most of their Pokémon lines, though not in exact numbers:
1 LM Solrock
3 DX Solrock

2 DX Lunatone
2 LM Lunatone
(Yes, that is all the Pokémon)
4-4 Manetric EX
4 Mew EX
1 Regirock EX HL
Roselia LM
Blastoise EX line of something
Steelix EX line of something
*insert number from 2-4 here* Lugia EX
I'm not too sure about the other decks.
if you want to know more about the 2006 World Championships Deck, you can check it out by
using the address below...
I am more curious about the trainer cards they use and how did they ratio the energies. I am hoping someone can help thank you.