So, with the re-release of Magcargo into our Standard format, rather being paired with Ludicolo, I believe that this card would be best paired with one of the best cards in the current meta: Zoroark GX!
4x Zorua SHL
4x Zoroark GX
2x Slugma
2x Magcargo CES
2x Tapu Lele GX
1x Mew EX
1x Oranguru ULP
1x Sylveon EX
4x Ultra Ball
4x Puzzle of Time
3x Evosoda
2x Enhanced Hammer
2x Weakness Policy
2x Counter Catcher
2x Field Blower
2x Choice Band
1x Max Potion
1x Rescue Stretcher
3x Brigette
3x N
2x Guzma
1x Acerola
1x Cynthia
1x Professor Sycamore
1x Delinquent
1x Copycat
2x Parallel City
1x Reverse Valley
4x Double Colorless Energy
So, with the re-release of Magcargo into our Standard format, rather being paired with Ludicolo, I believe that this card would be best paired with one of the best cards in the current meta: Zoroark GX!
4x Zorua SHL
4x Zoroark GX
2x Slugma
2x Magcargo CES
2x Tapu Lele GX
1x Mew EX
1x Oranguru ULP
1x Sylveon EX
4x Ultra Ball
4x Puzzle of Time
3x Evosoda
2x Enhanced Hammer
2x Weakness Policy
2x Counter Catcher
2x Field Blower
2x Choice Band
1x Max Potion
1x Rescue Stretcher
3x Brigette
3x N
2x Guzma
1x Acerola
1x Cynthia
1x Professor Sycamore
1x Delinquent
1x Copycat
2x Parallel City
1x Reverse Valley
4x Double Colorless Energy
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