4-3 Wormadam Plant Cloak AR
3-2 Wormadam Sandy Cloak AR
3-2 Wormadam Trash Cloak AR
2 Mothim AR
2 Mothim MD
total- 21
3 Engineer’s Adjustments
2 Interviewer’s Questions
2 Bebe’s Search
2 Expert Belt
2 Team Rocket’s Trickery
2 Switch
2 Energy Exchanger
1 Luxury Ball
1 Seeker
1 Pokemon Communication
total- 20
7 Grass
4 Fight
4 Special Metal
total- 19
Strategy: Mothim AR has an attack for 0 energy that let's me search for a combination of 3 Burmies and Wormadams. Mothim MD hits for 90 energy for one grass energy if I have three different Wormadams set up. All of the Wormadams have decent attacks if I have another one of them set-up. All of these cards are pretty bad individually, but have amazing synergy with each other.
4-3 Wormadam Plant Cloak AR
3-2 Wormadam Sandy Cloak AR
3-2 Wormadam Trash Cloak AR
2 Mothim AR
2 Mothim MD
total- 21
3 Engineer’s Adjustments
2 Interviewer’s Questions
2 Bebe’s Search
2 Expert Belt
2 Team Rocket’s Trickery
2 Switch
2 Energy Exchanger
1 Luxury Ball
1 Seeker
1 Pokemon Communication
total- 20
7 Grass
4 Fight
4 Special Metal
total- 19
Strategy: Mothim AR has an attack for 0 energy that let's me search for a combination of 3 Burmies and Wormadams. Mothim MD hits for 90 energy for one grass energy if I have three different Wormadams set up. All of the Wormadams have decent attacks if I have another one of them set-up. All of these cards are pretty bad individually, but have amazing synergy with each other.