Pokemon wot fire starter do u like?

wot fire starter do u like out of these 4 the best?

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i cannot vote oli i am very sorry,it is to hard to choose

p.s:u spelt hikozaru wrong
p.s.s:his english name may not be hikozaru so...
p.s.s.s:you also spelt torchic wrong...
I like charmander because he becomes a very powerful charizard.:)
i chose charmander. i dont mind the others, except maybe the last, but charmadner is probably the coolest. charizard is awesome, i love dragons <3
Although Charmander has a special place in my heart, I had to pick Torchic. Its sometimes sassy nature makes it lovable.
i didn;t vote because i am the maker of this poll but i just love... well actually i don't know i love all fire pokemon even the 1's i don't know but r waiting to b caught by me
each fire starter is super-cool (cyndaquil not) but hikozaru is more physically developed, cyndaquil is made of 2 balls, a big nose, and short legs and arms, charmander is a bit better in my opinion since it's a lizard pokemon and torchic is like cyndaquil but it's cute ad hikozaru is my favourite
when the 1st time 1 watched the pokemon,
my fave fire there is charizard.then thyplosion.
then blaziken(not much hehe)

Abhs edit: Please don't revive threads which are months old. *Lock*
My vote goes to Charmander, but it was a hard choice as I like all of the fire starters (they are almost the only I chose on the games).
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