Would it be fair to say....


"Crimson Dance, Yugetsu!"
Would it be fair or even remotely accurate to say that "Any deck worth thinking of, HAS been thought of." ???

I mean, I get these cool deck ideas every so often, but usually no one else agree's with me. Plus it seems like if it really was good, someone else would be using it....

Idk...Deckbuilding seems to be way more complicated then just finding a combo that works.
Any advanced tips or advice?
RE: Would it be fair to say...

Don't give up.
Even if a deck isn't good for competitive play, it may still be fun.
Pokemon is a game. It's supposed to be about having fun!
RE: Would it be fair to say...

most ideas have been thought of, but not all...at least publicly

while it is a lil' more complicated than just finding a combo that works, it really isn't all that much more complicated...the main thing with deckbuilding is to first come up with the concept/combo you want to try to make work...and then spend time and energy finding what cards can make the deck work...however, there are alot of combos that don't have alot of support or require too much support to work...after that, it's just playing the deck, and tweaking it either to your playing style and/or metagame

but as poptartG said...there are still decks you can make just because they are fun to play, but not neccessarily tier tournament contenders
RE: Would it be fair to say...

It doesn't really matter all that much if an idea has already been thought of. The fact that it's still a genuine idea that works is enough to want to play it. Most of the time, as soon as the translations for the sets come out, people think of all of the combos possible right then and there, and by the time they hit the U.S, everyone already knows everything about everything they can do with the cards. However, rogues are still rogues, so if you have an idea that you think is "out there", no one has probably thought of it. If you aren't seeing it being used, you've probably thought of it first.

But yeah, there's no point in trying to come up with an idea first. Just use whatever deck is the most fun for you, and if someone else is using it, well, that doesn't mean you shouldn't stop liking it. =)
RE: Would it be fair to say...

Okay thanks guys.

Yeah, its just hard. I think of a cool idea and post about it, and everyone talks about it like its a bad idea or someone else would be using it.
RE: Would it be fair to say...

I kind of doubt a new giant is coming that was completely overlooked. I'm sure there will be many cards that go fairly unnoticed, and come up big later, but I don't think any tier-1 worth decks will pop up out of nowhere. Gyarados kind of did, we need to pay more attention to the French.