Pokemon: 14
^ Since I can't afford Landorus-ex, my first focus is getting Lucario-ex charged up w/ Strong Energy. Along the way, I put Phanpy down ASAP, attach a fighting energy to phanpy, and evolve it into Donphan one turn later, followed by attachment of Strong energies to Lucario-ex while using Spinning Turn in order to evade damage from EXes by switching in Siglyph w/ Safeguard as a result of Spinning Turn. If Trubbish is sent to the bench, Mewtwo is there w/ Lysandre to weed it out before Garbotoxin ruins Safeguard. If Siglyph has to work alone, Psychic energy and DCE is there to allow it to attack. Once Lucario-ex is fully charged up, I evolve it into Mega Lucario-EX, and hopefully, Siglyph will still be on the field at that time, on its last legs. As soon as Siglyph is KO'd, M-Lucario-ex will be in to finish the job, while Donphan charges up to ensure M-Lucario-EX has a backup partner should he be near KO range, which is where Fighting Stadium comes in. Donphan's Wreck is there to eliminate a second Psychic EX or other EX threat that threatens to KO Mega Lucario-EX, at the cost of Fighting Stadium going in discard, and if the timing is right, the opposition should be Furious Fist-ed to a loss...
^ What do you think are appropriate adjustments to my deck, if, by any chance, you see a problem with it? Is my deck a good one that needs little to no adjustments? If not, what cards do you think are necessary? I've been testing the above deck on PTCGO, and I don't have all the cards in real life, not to mention that I'm unsure if it's a good deck or not, but now, feel free to answer away anyway!
2 Landorus(FFI)
2 Lucario EX(FFI)
2 M-Lucario EX(FFI)
2 Phanpy(PLS)
2 Donphan(PLS)
2 Siglyph (DRX)
2 Mewtwo-EX(BWP 45)
4 Korrina
3 Professor Juniper
3 N
2 Lysandre
4 Muscle Band
3 Ultra Balls
2 Switch
2 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Float Stone
1 Professor's Letter
1 Computer Search
3 Fighting Stadium
6 Fighting Energy
4 Strong Energy
3 Psychic Energy
3 Double Colorless
^ Since I can't afford Landorus-ex, my first focus is getting Lucario-ex charged up w/ Strong Energy. Along the way, I put Phanpy down ASAP, attach a fighting energy to phanpy, and evolve it into Donphan one turn later, followed by attachment of Strong energies to Lucario-ex while using Spinning Turn in order to evade damage from EXes by switching in Siglyph w/ Safeguard as a result of Spinning Turn. If Trubbish is sent to the bench, Mewtwo is there w/ Lysandre to weed it out before Garbotoxin ruins Safeguard. If Siglyph has to work alone, Psychic energy and DCE is there to allow it to attack. Once Lucario-ex is fully charged up, I evolve it into Mega Lucario-EX, and hopefully, Siglyph will still be on the field at that time, on its last legs. As soon as Siglyph is KO'd, M-Lucario-ex will be in to finish the job, while Donphan charges up to ensure M-Lucario-EX has a backup partner should he be near KO range, which is where Fighting Stadium comes in. Donphan's Wreck is there to eliminate a second Psychic EX or other EX threat that threatens to KO Mega Lucario-EX, at the cost of Fighting Stadium going in discard, and if the timing is right, the opposition should be Furious Fist-ed to a loss...
^ What do you think are appropriate adjustments to my deck, if, by any chance, you see a problem with it? Is my deck a good one that needs little to no adjustments? If not, what cards do you think are necessary? I've been testing the above deck on PTCGO, and I don't have all the cards in real life, not to mention that I'm unsure if it's a good deck or not, but now, feel free to answer away anyway!