Writing persuasive editorial about pokemon TCG, need help.


Aspiring Trainer
First off, I really didn't know where to post this, and I thought this was the best place. If it isn't, then I apologize in advance to everyone (especially the mods of pokebeach ;) )
Hey fellow pokebeach readers. My name is Albert Gehami, and I am currently stuck writing a persuasive editorial that is due thursday. I was going to do it on another topic, but this was something that I have really wanted to address for a while: why Pokemon TCG is not just a game for kids. I would really appreciate any opiions or arguments you can think of for me to use. Also, I would like everyone to answer the following questions:
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?
2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?
3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?
4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)
5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.
6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
Thanks to all of you for your help! I will post my finalized editorial late wednesday night for all of you to read.
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?
It depends, between 25-100, sometimes I buy boxes which will add an extra 90 to that.

2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?
Oh goodness, 2 hours at least.
3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?
Pokemon Player
4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)
Yes, to fully understand the game you have to have a decent amount of knowledge and strategy skills.
5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.
I tell people it is a hobby, but it is actually my life.
6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
Workout more
7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
Good, I have been down a bad path in the past, this keeps me going good.
Thanks to all of you for your help! I will post my finalized editorial late wednesday night for all of you to read.
I gotta say I'm glad you're making a stand against that obnoxious stereotype.

1. Hard to say really, it can really range from about 20 to 100 bucks.
2. Well I spend an hour or two a day on these forums, and 2 to 3 hours at league once or twice a week. On certain weekends I also spend a whole day at a tournament.
3. I'm not too sure what the difference might be, but I guess a pokemon player.
4. YES. People think of me as younger than I really am as it is since I'm so short for my age on top of it. Adding that stereotype only furthers my "little kid" image.
5. I guess I'd call it a hobby.
6. Honestly, I would just spend more time playing videogames and being bored, and less time meeting nice people and socializing.
7. I think it mainly has a good impact on my life, since I find myself happy, having fun and making more friends, but I'll admit there are those downsides like people making fun of me, bothering me and me feeling like I have to be embarassed and hide my hobby...

By the way, I thought I should include that I'm 14. Hope you get a good grade, and that you can actually change a mind or two.
Okay, let's do it!
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?
Well, I'm always with low money. But when I have nice funds, I spend 20 bucks to 50. Not that good here in Brazil, since the prices are much higher (a booster pack here costs 15 bucks).

2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?
About 2 hours everyday, and 5 hours at the league.

3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?
I'm a pokemon player.

4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)
Yes, yes. I always suffered about this, but I explain how is the mechanic and the objectives of game, and people understand how it is really (at least the people I know understand).

5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.
For me is a hobby, but I consider that it is a lifestyle too because I'm a big fan of it and I live pokemon very intensively.

6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
I think I would play more soccer if I didn't play pokemon, but I like to read, playing video-games and spending time with another friends.

7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
A hundred percent good. I met and continue meeting good friends at the leagues, exercise my english translating the cards (yeah it's true! :p) and another nice things. The only bad impact is about money, but it can be solved working!

Hey! Hope I helped you gehami!
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?
I spend $45 every three months to attend a prerelease for each new set.

2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily
A couple hours or so. Sometimes more.

3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?
A Pokemon Player.

4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)
No, it makes sense someone who doesn't play would think that so I ignore it.

5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.
It's different for everyone. For me it's the equivalent to a sport.

6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
Probably not. I play guitar, I suppose if I didn't play Pokemon I would put that time into playing guitar more.

7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
Thanks to all of you for your help! I will post my finalized editorial late wednesday night for all of you to read.
I feel that it has had a positive impact on my life. It is something that I share with my girlfriend and I have made a lot of friends at league.
1.i dont have op/cards here!!!!!
2.8 hrs minimum either redshark or irl playing.
3.pokemon player.
4.yes i do,i thwack people who do that,especially my classmates.
5.a lifestyle
6.i dunno if anything could actually fill in the void :(
7.great impact,coz i learnt so many things.
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?

Almost nothing. I don't really play much. I didn't even buy any HG/SS packs...

2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?

Including games, about 1 hour? bit more? If I'm playing with friends, 2 hours maybe.

3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?

Pokemon Player.

4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)

When people call it a kids game, I don't take it offensively because they obviously don't understand. So, no.

5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.

Its a hobby, but also a bit of a lifestyle too. But the lifestyle is that of a gamer and strategist rather than pokemon being the lifestyle.

6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?

Probably Warcraft. I mean, I stopped playing because it took too much time to do something from start to finish.

7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?

Good, dunno why
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?
I usually never buy any packs, all my cards come from prereleases and online auctions for single cards, probably averaging out to about $40
2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?

3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?

4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)

5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.

6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?

7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
Thanks to all of you for your help! I will post my finalized editorial late wednesday night for all of you to read.
1) 8 and out of 12 months, not that much. Whatever the blister packs cost, the extra little things that come out. On the 4 months that new sets come out, to get at least a full set (more of an avid collector) and some extra stuff for casual stuff, about 300 dollars, depending on what is what.

2) On TCG, not much. I mainly collect though I'm not above looking at the cards and thinking a bit of strategy, but there is no one that I know of to play around here. If we expand to include the games, that's usually a few hours each week.

3) Is there a third option? As mentioned in one I'm not really a player but as I type right now I have three Pokemon Plushes against the computer screen plus the four figures released with the games in recent years. I'm gonna go with the term 'Pokemon person'. For my tournament playing days though, I'd say Pokemon Player.

4) It's kind of annoying, but I realize nine out of ten, they don't take the time to learn about Pokemon, regardless of whether it is the TCG, the video game, etc. To each their own when all is said and done.

5) Lifestyle. There is little I do that does not involve Pokemon in some way.

6) Without Pokemon, at this point I'd be kinda bored. I play video games but I'm not hard core about it so I'd run into dry spells (May 23rd, Super Mario Galaxy 2 yay!:D). I dabble in Yugioh! and have some decents decks, but I was never tournament level like I was with Pokemon. I also do like to read, and I might do a bit more of that without Pokemon.

7) I think it's a good impact. To be honest, without Pokemon I may not have had anything to do with my cousin. There was some kind of falling out in our family, and as a result even though we are roughly the same age we didn't spend much time together. Pokemon TCG League changed that, as we were both going to it. Of course now he is out of it, but some people 'move on' from things at some point.
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?
[/color]I usually spend about 20 of my own money and 15 of my dads :p
2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?
1-2 hours
3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?
Pokemon player
4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)
Yes especially at school when people make fun of other people if they play it, you have to explain that it takes alot more skill than they think
5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.
6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
I think I would be rich if I didn't play because when a new set comes out I pend a few hundred bucks
7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
Great I have met alot of people through this game.
Thanks for all of the help already guys. I loved to read your answers to question seven, they all made me smile on the inside :). Meaty, I'm in the same boat you are. I am the shortest kid at my school, and playing pokemon really does not set off the tough guy look. My advice is not to hide it, and just act like its a hobby you can talk about easily. One of the big reasons why something is made fun of is beacuase it is different, if you talk about like you would anything else, it really loses its differentialness (is that a word?) Anyways, anyone else willing to help the cause?
1. On average, how much money do you spend on Pokémon a month?
Oh, that's a tough one... I'm guessing this is only for the TCG, aye?
I don't really spend any money unless there's a new set coming out, but on average I'd have to say... $100, perhaps?
2. On average, how much time do you spend on Pokémon daily?
This is also TCG-only, right?
Well, I don't really play too much at all. I go to the league once a week, but other than that... On average, I guess that makes... an hour or two a day, or something like that?
3. Do you consider yourself a Pokémon player, or a person who plays Pokémon?
Pokémon player, obviously. Or collector, rather. Or researcher, even.
4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls Pokémon a kids game?
Eh, not really. It's a common misconception, of course. I usually just do my best to make them understand how much fun I have doing something I enjoy, and they're cool with it.
5. What would you categorize Pokémon as? A hobby, a lifestyle, a time-waster etc.
...Well, to most people, I guess it would be seen as a hobby, but for me, it's more or less my lifestyle. *laughs*
6. If you didn't play Pokémon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
If I didn't play Pokémon, I'd be dead years ago.
7. Do you feel that the Pokémon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
A good one, of course - it's pretty much one of the only things keeping me alive right now, so... x3

(I'm 17, by the way. 18 in a couple of weeks.)
1. Roughly 50 bucks(Usually it's my Dad's money:p) Depending on the set.
2. Maybe, 4 hours? League is four hours, and the rest of the week is on the forums here.
3. Pokemon Player. All the way.
4. I find it frustrating. Pokemon TCG requires skill and focus, which is great for older people. It sharpens the mind, and teaches you problem-solving. Younger kids don't understand this as much, but they still like the cards. Older people suit Pokemon just fine. Anyone who says Pokemon TCG is childish, is a child themselves.
5. I find it a hobby. Pokemon doesn't control my life, but I really enjoy playing it.
6. I did take a break from Pokemon once, and I filled it with Bionicle LEGO. I guess I just move from one hobby to another. I don't think I'd give up Pokemon now, of course.
7. Definetly a good impact. Pokemon provides problem-solving skills, fellowship between different players, entertainment and a sense of accomplishment(When you beat your opponent!:p).

Let me just say, this idea is great. I hope your essay goes well at school, and you can convince your classmates that Pokemon isn't a kids game. Power to ya!
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?
I usually never buy any packs, all my cards come from prereleases and online auctions for single cards, probably averaging out to about $40
2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?
1-2 hours
3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?
...what's the difference? I'm a person that plays Pokémon I guess...
4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)
It's pretty annoying, everyone at school would criticize me to death if they found out I still played, they all think I quit years ago XD
5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.
A hobby/anti drug/time waster
6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
I'd play basketball more, compose more digital music, other hobbies really
7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
Mixed, it's a fun game but not accepted by anyone at my school, if I had spent more time pursuing other more useful things like studying more, I could be more successful, but I wouldn't necessarily be happier
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?

2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?
at least 2 hours a day
3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?
Pokemon Player
4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)
Yes it has a lot of complicated strategies that aren`t for kids its for everyon
5. What would you categorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.
defenitly a hobby
6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
probably another hobby
7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
Good, I meet a lot of good people playing this game and a lot of good times
1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month? Most of my card buying happens in one month, then I wait two months, then buy some more when the next set is released, but on average I'd say I spend about 30$ a month on cards, more when there's a prerelease.

2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?
At least 4-8 hours, depending on whether it's a school day or weekend, and on my amount of other work.

3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon? A Pokemon Player. Definately.

4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do) I feel like they're wrong, and that it is demeaning, but I don't get offended or frustrated. that kind of stuff doesn't bother me much.

5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc. For me, it's a lifestyle, but it's different for everyone.

6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby? I'm pretty sure that i could find something to replace Pokemon, but it wouldn't be nearly as fun. I write a lot, so I suppose i would spend all my time writing.

7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why? Pokemon TCG has had an amazing impact on the last three years of my life. It's great to look back and think of all the people that I've met along the way, all the places I've been, and all the experiences taht I've had, that I wouldn't have had without it.:)
1. On a[/i]verage, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?
Lol, silly question since I don't buy packs, I get my cards through trading and judging. About 5 euros for the travelling and the entry of tournaments, I suppose?

2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?
Sometimes I get a deck idea out of nowhere and then optimize it for an hour or 2, but I don't regularly play Pokemon at home. Or online.

3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?
I think it would be hard to disagree with this one.

4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)
It's not frustrating, I just feel pity for people who can't seem to understand one another's hobbies. I would respect anyone no matter what their hobby, I don't see why they don't return the favour. But hey, you get used to it I guess, and I usually don't bring it up with people I don't know too well.

5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.
A hobby. Internet, gaming and programming are my timewasters, and my lifestyle is just being chaotic in general. This is however also expressed through my deckbuilding.

6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?
I'd probably be a bit better in gaming and programming if I didn't play Pokemon, although the time I spent on Pokemon is very minimal anyway.
7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?
It helped me connect to people more since I'm usually very sheltered. It also holds a few bad memories for me, about injustices in the TCG I wasn't able to do anything about. So a bit of both, but generally positive.

Thanks to all of you for your help! I will post my finalized editorial late wednesday night for all of you to read.
I'm interested, but I'll probably forget about it.
1. Hmm let's see, about $50 a month I'd say.
2. 1-2 hours a day (It's really on the weekends, but I took an average.)
3. A Pokemon player
4. Of course I do, because it's not true.
5. I consider it a Hobby.
6. I'd probably be doing another hobby. (I don't know if it'd be another TCG, but probably play more video games as well.)
7. It was a good impact on my life when it was younger, but once some people found out I play, it's had a negative impact on myself.

dmaster out.
gehami said:
Thanks for all of the help already guys. I loved to read your answers to question seven, they all made me smile on the inside :). Meaty, I'm in the same boat you are. I am the shortest kid at my school, and playing pokemon really does not set off the tough guy look. My advice is not to hide it, and just act like its a hobby you can talk about easily. One of the big reasons why something is made fun of is beacuase it is different, if you talk about like you would anything else, it really loses its differentialness (is that a word?) Anyways, anyone else willing to help the cause?

It's not like I fearfully hide it and nobody in the world knows, but I'm not gonna go tell everyone since it would just make people be mean to me. And it feels weird talking about it like a normal thing to anybody who doesn't play themselves, I'm just kinda shy like that in the way that I feel awkward trying to explain the tcg to someone I'm not really close to.
* Note -- I'm 41 years old and love the game

1. On average, how much money do you spend on pokemon a month?

Averaged over the year -- $40 for me and my son

2. On average, how much time do you spend on pokemon daily?

Playing... average... 15 minutes -- add in deck building, general contemplation, and Pokebeach... 45 minutes a day

3. Do you consider yourself a pokemon player, or a person who plays pokemon?

A Pokemon Player

4. Do you find it offensive/demeaning/frustrating when someone calls pokemon a kids a game (I know I do)

No.. because I understand every person is a product of their environment and that's what they were led to believe. People who think it's only a kid's game are ignorant (note - I do not mean to impart a negative conotation... "ignorant" simply means "unknowledgeable")

5. What would you catogorize pokemon as: a hobby? A lifestyle? A time-waster? etc.

A Hobby or Past-Time

6. If you didn't play pokemon, what would you do instead to fill in that time? More importantly would it be used to simply pursue another hobby?

Good question... I don't know. My "pokemon" time is for me and my 9-year-old son. I guess I would do some other actvity with him... hard to say what though, sorry. Generally, yes, to pursue another hobby.

7. Do you feel that the pokemon TCG has had a good or bad impact on your life, and why?

I feel it has a positive effect on my life. It is a wholesome game that has brought my son and I closer. For us, it is a family activity with my son and I (and to some lesser extent, my wife) playing the TCG and my wife and son playing on their Nintendo DSs.

I often describe the game to people as being very much "chess like". It has many of the dynamics of a chess match...
