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Xernas / Aromatisse / Mewtwo Ex


Aspiring Trainer
  • 4 Xernas (XY)
  • 4 Mewtwo Ex (NXD)
  • 3 Aromatisse (XY)
  • 3 Spritzee (XY)
  • 1 Mr.Mime (PLF)

  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 4 Skyla
  • 4 Random Receiver
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Tool Scraper
  • 1 Max Potion
  • 1 Muscle Band
  • 1 Fairy Garden
  • 1 Tropical Beach

  • 10 Fairy Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

Set up with Xernas and Aromatisse, KO with Mewtwo Ex.

I can suicide 1 Xernas and go hyper-offensive with 3 Mewtwo Ex or make a major set up with 3 Xernas and go hyper-offensive with 2 Mewtwo Ex depending on the machup.

Random Receiver because a) Skyla is actually really usefull here b) I like 12 as my magic supporter number and c) N + Juniper are far superior supporters than pretty much anything else.

Computer Search is the best aces here (imo) because I have a lot of 1-of, and since I play 4 RR and 4 Skyla I can access DCE almost at any time I lead with Mewtwo Ex.
-1 prof. letter
you're not mass accelerating energy from the hand and you have 14 energy so these are not needed
-1-1 aromatisse
catcher is nerfed. you don't need the extra line
-2 random receiver
4 is overload
-3 level ball
same as random receiver

+2 colress/shauna
draw power
+2-2 Slurpuff
special condition protection is too much to pass up
+2 Xerneas EX
alternative attacker

Other than that it looks pretty good, but I am debating on what happens when you stack all your energy on a mewtwo EX and it gets knocked out. It leaves you kinda screwed. Or if you stack all the energy on a mewtwo and your opponent starts tanking with a safeguard pokemon
Hi Chuave,

Nice deck. Consider these modifications:

- 1 Aromatisse (two is sufficient)
- 1 Spritzee (same as above)
- 1 Mewtwo Ex (need room)

- 1 Professor's Letter (same reason Mad_DoG outlined)
- 1 N (good but not that good late game)
- 1 Random Reciever (four is too much)
- 1 Level Ball (three suffice with Skyla)
- 1 Ultra Ball (see above)
- 1 Skya (three suffice)

- 1 Fairy Energy (no need to run more than 12 energy)
- 1 DCE (three suffice with PC search)

+ 1 Keldeo Ex (combo with Fairy Garden to escape status locks)

+ 3 Shauna (nice reliable draw card in the start and end)
+ 1 Tool Scrapper (you are reliant on Pokémon Abilities)
+ 1 Fairy Garden (free retreat is needed)
+ 2 Energy Retrieval (needed in this deck / can also be 1-1 energy retrieval and super rod)
+ 2 Muscle Band (real nice to have; could also be 1-1 Muscle Band and Silver Bangle if you attack with Xerneas)
+ 1 Max Potion (real nice to have)

You can also consider a third Fairy Garden instead of Tropical Beach. The deck tends to need the free retreat to work well.

Hi MaD_DoG,

Knock out the energy on the battelfield is a good tactic versus Faries. Either discard it or be faster and ohko the Pokémon that tend to hord it. Safe Guard Pokémon are not an issue since Xerneas non-ex is not a bad attacker and can ohko them.
MaD_DoG said:
-1 prof. letter
you're not mass accelerating energy from the hand and you have 14 energy so these are not needed
-1-1 aromatisse
catcher is nerfed. you don't need the extra line
-2 random receiver
4 is overload
-3 level ball
same as random receiver

+2 colress/shauna
draw power
+2-2 Slurpuff
special condition protection is too much to pass up
+2 Xerneas EX
alternative attacker

Other than that it looks pretty good, but I am debating on what happens when you stack all your energy on a mewtwo EX and it gets knocked out. It leaves you kinda screwed. Or if you stack all the energy on a mewtwo and your opponent starts tanking with a safeguard pokemon
I can see myself droping the Letter.
Xerneas Ex is overated imo.
I would rather play RR than other supporters such as Colress or Shauna.
I could see myself droping a 1-1 Aroma lineup for a 1-1 Slurpuff lineup or a Keldeo Ex but I dont really see that much status arround tbh.

I NEVER stack all my energy on Mewtwo unless I know for a fact they cant 1HKO back. I always left several energys on the backup Mewtwo so I can 1HKO back.

If they stall with Safeguard all I have to do is switch into Xerneas (free if I have Fairy Garden, switch 3 energy to Xernas and 1HKO the Suicune/Sygliph.

Dark Espeon said:
Hi Chuave,

Nice deck. Consider these modifications:

- 1 Aromatisse (two is sufficient)
- 1 Spritzee (same as above)
- 1 Mewtwo Ex (need room)

- 1 Professor's Letter (same reason Mad_DoG outlined)
- 1 N (good but not that good late game)
- 1 Random Reciever (four is too much)
- 1 Level Ball (three suffice with Skyla)
- 1 Ultra Ball (see above)
- 1 Skya (three suffice)

- 1 Fairy Energy (no need to run more than 12 energy)
- 1 DCE (three suffice with PC search)

+ 1 Keldeo Ex (combo with Fairy Garden to escape status locks)

+ 3 Shauna (nice reliable draw card in the start and end)
+ 1 Tool Scrapper (you are reliant on Pokémon Abilities)
+ 1 Fairy Garden (free retreat is needed)
+ 2 Energy Retrieval (needed in this deck / can also be 1-1 energy retrieval and super rod)
+ 2 Muscle Band (real nice to have; could also be 1-1 Muscle Band and Silver Bangle if you attack with Xerneas)
+ 1 Max Potion (real nice to have)

You can also consider a third Fairy Garden instead of Tropical Beach. The deck tends to need the free retreat to work well.

Hi MaD_DoG,

Knock out the energy on the battelfield is a good tactic versus Faries. Either discard it or be faster and ohko the Pokémon that tend to hord it. Safe Guard Pokémon are not an issue since Xerneas non-ex is not a bad attacker and can ohko them.
I will think about this.

Thanks for the suggestions so far :)