Discussion Xerneas BREAK's Future


Aspiring Trainer
Steam Siege just released and one of the decks I am most interested in is Xerneas BREAK the main problem is what to pair it with right now. Theres the option of playing geomancy/max elixir/heavy attackers, rainbow force/dual types (both ex and non ex), or both.

Some info that I have gathered on this is that Xerneas BREAK can get help from double colorless attackers and dragon attackers, while also using fairy garden as a free retreat for them.

Any suggestions on how Xerneas BREAK could be played and whom it could be paired with in order to make it an effective/constant deck.

Lets talk and discuss this topic.
I'm of the opinion that Xerneas BREAK/Xerneas STS/Dragons is where it's at. Max elixir x 4, DDE x 4, and a 1-2 combination of Hydregion EX/Giratina EX provide great niche support (Hydregion for breaking blockers, Tina for blocking megas.) One Xerneas in active providing geomancy services to another on the bench, coupled with Max Elixir prior to breaking, and a DDE attach, can see some pretty good numbers hit on T2, and hitting the magic numbers (170/180) by T3.

I don't think Xerneas BKT is going to benefit in a significant way from playing a Xerneas BREAK, due to the natural damage capability it has out of the gate. You can hit 180 on Rainbow Force with a bench of 5 (Volcanion EX + 4 other basics == 180) and can still make use of an FFB, which for something that can be done on T1 (with two lucky elixirs, an attach, and a switch for whatever is active) is pretty special. Hoopa EX to pull out Volcanion EX and two other EXes of different colors, and another Xerneas on the bench, and you're cooking with gas.
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I'm of the opinion that Xerneas BREAK/Xerneas STS/Dragons is where it's at. Max elixir x 4, DDE x 4, and a 1-2 combination of Hydregion EX/Giratina EX provide great niche support (Hydregion for breaking blockers, Tina for blocking megas.) One Xerneas in active providing geomancy services to another on the bench, coupled with Max Elixir prior to breaking, and a DDE attach, can see some pretty good numbers hit on T2, and hitting the magic numbers (170/180) by T3.

I don't think Xerneas BKT is going to benefit in a significant way from playing a Xerneas BREAK, due to the natural damage capability it has out of the gate. You can hit 180 on Rainbow Force with a bench of 5 (Volcanion EX + 4 other basics == 180) and can still make use of an FFB, which for something that can be done on T1 (with two lucky elixirs, an attach, and a switch for whatever is active) is pretty special. Hoopa EX to pull out Volcanion EX and two other EXes of different colors, and another Xerneas on the bench, and you're cooking with gas.
Personally, playing Xerneas/Dragons was one of my first ideas because of the high energy count. I think Rainbow Force Xerneas will be powerful if it is allowed to setup completely with various types from the recent azumarill, volcanion, volcarona, bisharp and galvantula, but it would take some turns and a lot of resources, which might not make it a viable deck in comparison to Dragon/Xerneas
I think the dual types for Rainbow Force is actually a bit of a false start, tbh. Hoopa EX can draw out 3 other EXes in one turn; if you're trying to use the dual types, you've got to deal with the messiness of evolution. A couple Evosoda and Wally can be helpful, but you've still got a natural lag, and your deck gummed up by less than fantastic basics to support the evo lines. Given that 180 can be hit with Volcanion EX + other EX basics, I'm really skeptical that there's significant value in adding the complexity of the evo lines.