• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Xerneas / Lugia EX / Giratina


Aspiring Trainer

  • 1 Xerneas EX
    2 Xerneas
    1 Lugia EX
    1 Mewtwo
    1 Giratina
    2 Aromatisse
    3 Spritzee
    1 Meloetta EX
    1 Jigglypuff

  • 1 Energy Switch
    1 Energy Retrieval
    1 Ultra Ball
    2 Muscle Band
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Fairy Garden
    1 Professor Sycamore
    1 Team Flare Grunt
    3 Super Potion
    2 Professors Letter
    2 Shauna
    2 Switch
    1 Pokemon Center Lady
    1 Bianca
    1 Pokemon Catcher
    2 Full Heal
    1 Roller Skates
    1 Skylark
    1 Iris

  • 9 Fairy Energy
    6 Pyschic Energy
    3 Plasma Energy
    2 Double Colorless Energy
Newbie to the TCG. This if my first time building a deck. Working with the cards that are available, but I want to have a competitive deck.
If you want to get into competitive play, you should try to get a hold of staples. Things like Sycamore, N, and Ultra Ball are things you should get a playset of. I'd say you only need 10-12 Energy and another Aromatisse.
I have altered the deck somewhat and this is what I have now. Still try to move things around and understand some of the strategies of certain trainer cards.

+1 Aromatisse
+1 Meloetta EX
-1 Giratina
-1 Mr. Mime
+1 Jigglypuff

Trainer cards were switched up a little

-1 Ultra Ball
-1 Magnetic Storm
-1 Professor Sycamore
-1 Team Flare Grunt
+1 Pokemon Center Lady
+1 Bianca
+1 Pokemon Catcher
+2 Full Heal
+1 Roller Skates
+1 Skylark
+1 Iris

Dropped Energy

-1 Psychic Energy
-3 Fairy Energy

Any replies would be very appreciated. This is all semi new to me. Thanks!
Could you please update your original post to include your changes? Thanks!