A fun deck I made for my friends tournament. The tournament is sort of like four square, (first place-pope, second place-king, third place-priest, fourth place-bishop.) right now I'm second place, second to American Gothic deck, and third has RayEels, and fourth is a Garbodor/Yveltal, and fifth is some weird Amoongus/Victreebel deck.
Now somehow this deck has succeeded in my towns tournament (which isn't much to brag about, considering my town is small.), and I was wondering what I can add that will make this deck better? I have so many ideas, but there's only so much you can put in a 60 card deck.
Now onto the strategy, it's a bit slower than most decks. I usually put down Xerneas for geomancy to power up Xerneas EX and Solosis lines. However, if it's desperate, I will use Rainbow Spear and put the energy back into my hand with energy retrieval.
But Solosis only has 30 HP! That's why I have mountain ring to prevent bench damage (if I had a Mr. Mine this deck would be better.) in-case a hammerhead or frost spear comes from my opponent. Now a 90 HP stage two is a CRAZY idea, but telekinesis of nobility (we'll call it TON for short) makes two of the Reuniclus untouchable, and allows for quick attacks. The other Reuniclus uses net force, with four Reuniclus's in play, this one guy can do 160 for ONE physic energy, and add a pluspower or silver bangle to take out those nasty EX's. Needless to say, that Reuniclus is better for later in the game once you have a steady flow. The other Reuniclus's ability allows you to move around your damage counters if one of your Reuniclus's do manage to get hit, but there is still plenty of potions to rid of that, however, switch the damage counters to Xerneas and use potion on those instead.
For starting the game, you want Xerneas or Xerneas EX to start out so you can either power up your bench, or find a decent attack for the first few turns. We run professors letter since geomancy can only be used on benched pokemon, and only uses fairy energy. So we use also use Prof. letter to get the physic energy on reuniclus.
We also use Pokemon communication to get Xerneas into play if you can't put him into play in your first few turns, since Solosis and Duosion are so fragile. This is why we run fairy garden to get reuniclus out of dangerous situations.
For Trevenant, this card is more of a stalling card, and a really annoying one, it sort of disables a lot of things, if you know anything about Gothitelle, this is exactly the same. We could run a sigilyph or musharna, but trevenant also has a decent attack.
1. Get Xerneas into play! Geomancy!
2. Get fairy garden into play.
3. Evolve Solosis into Duosion and into Reuniclus ASAP.
4. Get Xerneas EX powered up and attack for some good damage. I usually use Break Through more often to soften up all the pokemon for Reuniclus to take out later.
5. Attack with Reuniclus and switch him out (you need to with Telekinesis of Nobility) and keep Reuniclus's unharmed!
6. Use Damage swap to put counters on Xerneas and heal, or keep him on bench and promote Xerneas EX to absorb dmg.
7. Use Reuniclus Net Force to get rid of those pesky big EX's!
8. Take the last prize card! You win!
a little crazy deck IMO
Edited to coincide with the rules!
Xerneas x4
Xerneas EX x2
Phantump x1
Trevenant x1
Solosis x4
Duosion x4
Reuniclus (damage swap ability) x1
Reuniclus (net force attack) x1
Reuniclus (telekinesis of nobility attack) x2
Holons Magneton x1
Potion x3
Energy Retrieval x2
Professors Letter x3
Pokemon Communication x2
Professor Sycamore x2
Evosoda x2
PlusPower x1
Silver Bangle x1
Pokemon Catcher x1
Fairy Garden x2
Mountain Ring x1
Double Colorless Energy x4
Psychic Energy x7
Fairy Energy x8
A fun deck I made for my friends tournament. The tournament is sort of like four square, (first place-pope, second place-king, third place-priest, fourth place-bishop.) right now I'm second place, second to American Gothic deck, and third has RayEels, and fourth is a Garbodor/Yveltal, and fifth is some weird Amoongus/Victreebel deck.
Now somehow this deck has succeeded in my towns tournament (which isn't much to brag about, considering my town is small.), and I was wondering what I can add that will make this deck better? I have so many ideas, but there's only so much you can put in a 60 card deck.
Now onto the strategy, it's a bit slower than most decks. I usually put down Xerneas for geomancy to power up Xerneas EX and Solosis lines. However, if it's desperate, I will use Rainbow Spear and put the energy back into my hand with energy retrieval.
But Solosis only has 30 HP! That's why I have mountain ring to prevent bench damage (if I had a Mr. Mine this deck would be better.) in-case a hammerhead or frost spear comes from my opponent. Now a 90 HP stage two is a CRAZY idea, but telekinesis of nobility (we'll call it TON for short) makes two of the Reuniclus untouchable, and allows for quick attacks. The other Reuniclus uses net force, with four Reuniclus's in play, this one guy can do 160 for ONE physic energy, and add a pluspower or silver bangle to take out those nasty EX's. Needless to say, that Reuniclus is better for later in the game once you have a steady flow. The other Reuniclus's ability allows you to move around your damage counters if one of your Reuniclus's do manage to get hit, but there is still plenty of potions to rid of that, however, switch the damage counters to Xerneas and use potion on those instead.
For starting the game, you want Xerneas or Xerneas EX to start out so you can either power up your bench, or find a decent attack for the first few turns. We run professors letter since geomancy can only be used on benched pokemon, and only uses fairy energy. So we use also use Prof. letter to get the physic energy on reuniclus.
We also use Pokemon communication to get Xerneas into play if you can't put him into play in your first few turns, since Solosis and Duosion are so fragile. This is why we run fairy garden to get reuniclus out of dangerous situations.
For Trevenant, this card is more of a stalling card, and a really annoying one, it sort of disables a lot of things, if you know anything about Gothitelle, this is exactly the same. We could run a sigilyph or musharna, but trevenant also has a decent attack.
1. Get Xerneas into play! Geomancy!
2. Get fairy garden into play.
3. Evolve Solosis into Duosion and into Reuniclus ASAP.
4. Get Xerneas EX powered up and attack for some good damage. I usually use Break Through more often to soften up all the pokemon for Reuniclus to take out later.
5. Attack with Reuniclus and switch him out (you need to with Telekinesis of Nobility) and keep Reuniclus's unharmed!
6. Use Damage swap to put counters on Xerneas and heal, or keep him on bench and promote Xerneas EX to absorb dmg.
7. Use Reuniclus Net Force to get rid of those pesky big EX's!
8. Take the last prize card! You win!
a little crazy deck IMO
Edited to coincide with the rules!