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Xin's new and improved Reshiboar [HGSS on]


I actually hate Metagross...
Ok so it's been a while since I updated my reshiboar decklist. After a lot of testing I think I've made it a lot more consistent.

Pokemon 17

3 Reshiram (BW any)
2 Zekrom (BW any)
2-2-2 Emboar (BW 15, 18 & 20)
2 Shaymin (HGSS UL)
2 Smeargle (CoL)
2 Shuckle (HGSS Promo)

Trainers 17

2 Super Scoop Up
3 Energy Retrieval
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Switch
1 Rare Candy
1 Revive
3 Junk Arm
2 Pokemon reversal/catcher (using gust of wind as stand in atm)

Supporters 12

1 Professor Juniper
2 Interviewers Questions
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Fisherman
2 Seeker

Energy 14

2 Rescue Energy
2 Electric Energy
10 Fire Energy

Ok so this deck is pretty much the standard reshiboar (funnel energy onto Reshiram with inferno fandango). It's a little different from other reshiboars as it runs soley on basics (besides emboar line) and I think has some interesting techs.

Starter and set up

The starter is Smeargle. I personally prefer Smeargle to the baby pokemon as it's a lot less risky. Sure there's always the chance to Portrait a Juniper but if any cards are discarded they can be brought back with junk arm, revive or energy retrieval. 3 Pokemon collector as standard to set up, aided by pokemon communication. 1 Juniper and 2 PONT for hand refresh as needed.


The first tech is Shuckle. Serving as draw power shuckle can also be used early on as a wall/sacrifice to discard the stored energy which can then be brought back with retirieval/fisherman. I find this is a lot easier to get out being a basic. Alternatively using Shaymin's abillity it can move all the stored energy onto reshiram or even possibly emboar for a sneak attack. Shaymin can then get picked back up via seeker to protect from snipers. This can be used even during late game by using inferno fandango to funnel energy onto shuckle, draw as many cards as required, shaymin them onto reshiram and hit for 120.

Recovery, etc.

There are a lot of recovery options within the deck; retreating/scooping when the damage gets too high to recycle Reshiram. Rescue energy and revive makes sure Reshiram stays in the game. Any discarded energy recovered using energy retrieval, as well as junk arm to get ER's back so Reshiram can hit for 120 turn after turn. Pokemon reversal/catcher can provide easy prizes. Zekrom is also included as a back up for weakness match ups or just Junk arm fuel.

So far it's been very effective in playtesting although I haven't tested against any Yanmega variants yet.

All comments/opinions welcome.
No one has any opinions/comments/advice? I know for a fact that this isn't a perfect deck.
you shouldn't run zekrom and shaymin in a reshiboar deck it messes up your consistency zekrom is for ZPS and reshiram is for emboar/typhlosion so take them out.... then you can run a 3-2-3 emboar line (2 with the ability) and 3 rare candy this will get those emboar out quicker, also drop PONT and add 2 porf. juniper as you want a healthy discard pile....... finally you don't need both SSU and seeker drop one of them and the 2 electric energy then add 4 fire energy :)

also when seeker comes out you might wanna make room for that ;)

hope I helped :D
I would drop a poke comm and add another rare candy (that is if you have one) Im a newb but thats just what i think, p.s i watch you on youtube P: