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Standard XY-On: BattleToads (Seismitoad EX / Greninja)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 12
  • 4 Seismitoad EX
  • 4 Greninja EX
  • 2 Shaymin EX
  • 2 Greninja
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Trainer's Mail
  • 4 Arco Bike
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Battle Compressor
  • 3 Silence Lab
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 2 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Archie's Ace in the Hole
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 Team Flare Grunt
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 1 AZ
Energy: 12
  • 4 DCE
  • 8 Water Energy

Lock and Snipe your way to a hole in one! Seismitoad EX and Greninja EX provide a deadly combo of locking down the hand and sniping down the bench dwellers. You utilize IMO the best Supporter (tied only to Maxxie's Hidden Ball Trick) Archie's Ace in the Hole and Greninja to help discard extra Water Energy to continue and pile on the damage. You reach a point where you have 3 Water Energy and a Muscle Band and a Greninja on the bench, means you can start 1 shotting 170-180 HP Pokemon. I have had extensive testing with the Trainer engine and it flows very nicely. I am debating Bats but i need more testing. Right now i got a proxy deck at home until i get cards for the deck on TCGO. Feedback and Criticism is much appreciated. Thank You.
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So I'm assuming you mean bats over Greninja?

Anyways, firs things first. I'm not really sure you're running Silent Lab with regular Greninja. I get it add another lock to your game but if you're going to do that, I wouldn't run regular Greninja then or even bats. I wouldn't know if it would be a good addition, but you can always add M. Blastoise as a way to keep snipe damage on the board. Of course if you did this, I'd swap out the energy retrieval with mega turbo.

If you choose to keep regular Greninja, I'd go with running Rough Seas as it heals damage every turn and could keep your Pokémon alive for longer.

The only issue I could see is potentially throwing to much away since you have Ultra Ball, Acro Bike, and Battle Compressor all discarding and could possibly deck you out way to easily or make you discard something you needed. You could probably lower Acro Bike by one and put it in for another Supporter, Muscle Band, or possibly another item card you can use.

Other than that, this deck looks pretty neat and would be totally fun to play! I may have to build this myself and test it and get back to you on what maybe you could do to make it better.
Bats is easily better then greninja, you never want to break the lock. His whole point of running acro/BC is to get the turn 1-2 greninja on the bench so he can start sniping things. Lowering acro bike or BC lowers his/her chances to archies/greninja and isn't worth considering, however the deck runs into alot of issues. Issue for next format is hex maniac in every deck, it's possibly better to just run bats just due to that, first off bats is only countered by hex versus greninja loses ground to hex and wobb, having access to az and ssu gives you the ability to not only heal things but access to setting up bats in the down time of a hex maniac. As the above mentioned, burning through your deck loses you the deck out game and with such a low damage output hurts your decks overall strategy, and with the amount of vespiquen I see nowadays seismetoad is to risky to play.

Edit: as a side note the only decks that benefit the acro/bc engine are decks with high dmg output so decks like mega ray(c), flareon, stoise/keldeo, and vespiquen.
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Bats is easily better then greninja, you never want to break the lock. His whole point of running acro/BC is to get the turn 1-2 greninja on the bench so he can start sniping things. Lowering acro bike or BC lowers his/her chances to archies/greninja and isn't worth considering, however the deck runs into alot of issues. Issue for next format is hex maniac in every deck, it's possibly better to just run bats just due to that, first off bats is only countered by hex versus greninja loses ground to hex and wobb, having access to az and ssu gives you the ability to not only heal things but access to setting up bats in the down time of a hex maniac. As the above mentioned, burning through your deck loses you the deck out game and with such a low damage output hurts your decks overall strategy, and with the amount of vespiquen I see nowadays seismetoad is to risky to play.

Edit: as a side note the only decks that benefit the acro/bc engine are decks with high dmg output so decks like mega ray(c), flareon, stoise/keldeo, and vespiquen.

he's using Greninja EX not the regular one. The EX one has a sniping attack so it's not turned off by Hex...
He's running both ex and stage 2 ability, Hench

  • 4 Seismitoad EX
  • 4 Greninja EX
  • 2 Shaymin EX
  • 2 Greninja