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Alt. Format XY-On: Budget Medicham (Medicham / Hawlucha / Landorus)


Purple Lightning
Pokemon: 13
  • 4 Medicham FFI
  • 4 Meditite
  • 3 Hawlucha FFI
  • 2 Landorus FFI
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Korrina
  • 2 Shauna
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 1 Ace Trainer
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 3 Acro Bike
  • 2 Energy Switch
  • 1 Switch
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Revive
  • 4 Fighting Stadium
Energy: 10
  • 4 Strong Energy
  • 6 Fighting Energy

This is my first deck in quite a while so please feel free to give me pointers. I tried to use the best trainer's from the new format that would work in this deck and the right number of each but I probably don't know best so I would appreciate people giving me suggestions on how to change the deck to be more consistent or do its job better. Basically its a Medicham deck with support from FFI as well as using the new format. Pretty sure Silver Bangle got rotated out so I compensated for that by using 4 Muscle Band. Willing to get any more suggestions before I start trying to test this deck before I would try to buy it.
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So I definitely like the idea of the deck but here's something's I think you could change up a bit.

Instead of 2 Ace Trainer's you could always go 1 Ace Trainer and Either 3 Sycamore or 1 Prof. Birch's Observation because you don't want to be stuck with an Ace Trainer Card either early on and/or when you have less prizes than your opponent.

I know you're probably trying to avoid running EX's but Shaymin-Ex with AZ can be another big set up card in order to keep draw power going as well since you can literally use it to your full advantage by using all of your cards, laying Shaymin down, AZ it back up and start all over. It's a great way to get more cards and to possibly get that extra set up. I don't know how Teammates would work in this setup but it's worth a shot since Medicham has low HP and could help quickly bounce you back if you're lagging behind.

Roller Skates are also another option in place of Paint Roller since you're running 4 Stadiums, you'll most likely out do most people in that aspect or use Head Ringer to force your opponent to waste energy cards.

Overall, I think it looks pretty solid and could have potential. Good luck with your testing!
I suggest giving focus sash a try. Even if you don't do as much damage as you would with muscle band. You do overall more damage with each pokemon with a sash, since they can't be OHKOed.
Yeah so I like the idea of rotating out one Ace Trainer but originally I was supposed to have 4 sycamore and 2 Birch but I messed up the list somewhere lol. So I will be modifying it like this.

-1 Ace
-2 Paint Rollers

+2 Sycamore
+1 Birch

I think having the supporter's I originally planned is better and I am not a big fan of coin flips plus the VS Seekers will get me back the Card Draw Supporter's I need. Thanks for the suggestion with Shaymin EX but it would bring up my deck from like costing around $50 to $88 alone. I might see if I can trade it off of someone at my league of something but right now I am selling all my out of date cards just to get the money to buy the deck lol. I might if I get extra seeing how its good for card draw.

I might try focus sash but first I want to test the deck without it and see if I am really in dire need of it or not. So I need to test the format before I decide to add some focus sashes in because I am not sure what I would take out for them.
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If you need someone to test with, I'd be more than happy to help you.

Shaymin Ex is pretty expensive but can be very rewarding too.
I also forgot to mention Unknown is a better alternative to Paint Roller, you just place it on your bench and discard if for a card without losing a prize and Teammates would be another decent choice in your case since your Pokémon have low HP.
-2 Ultra Ball (You've got a lot of searchers. Only two cards of your deck really needs this if you would like to search them through items, but then, isn't that what Korrina is for? With 4 Korrina and 3 Level Ball, I'm pretty sure you'll find the Pokemon you need when you need them.)
-2 Repeat Ball (See above)
-3 Trainer's Mail (I don't really think this is the better item for this deck. With Korrina you can search for the majority of your Trainer bank, so I don't think this will give you as much run for your money.)
-1 Fighting Energy (I dont think you need this many.)

+2 Shauna (It's still a good draw, and worthwhile to have a couple.)
+2 Energy Switch (Am I mad? No, not really. I actually think these switchers could be quite useful in a deck like this, allowing you to perhaps spam more attackers.
+1 Hex Maniac (I'm pretty sure this is going to be a requirement in future decks.)
+1 Xerosic (Perhaps not that important, but could be useful if you come across any annoying Seismitoad.)

Well, you've got two spaces (3 if you don't want Xerosic). So, what do you put in? I've got two suggestions. Either add in 2/3 Acro Bike for consistency (I find it more useful than Trainers Mail and may be necessary for speed), or strengthen your Trainer lines. Add a Fighting Stadium to win the Stadium war, and another Lysandre for a more consistent disruption. Teammates could also be good.
Ok I see what you mean. I added most of what you said to the deck. Here are the changes I made.

-2 Ultra Ball
-2 Repeat Ball
-3 Trainer's Mail
-1 Fighting Energy

+2 Shauna
+2 Energy Switch
+1 Hex Maniac
+3 Acro Bike
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