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Standard XY-On: Machamp EX / Ariados


Aspiring Trainer
Wanted to post my idea for a deck that can potentially one hit every single card in the future format.

Pokemon: 14
  • 4 Machamp EX (AO)
  • 2 Spinarak (AO)
  • 2 Ariados (AO)
  • 2 Machop (FurF)
  • 2 Machamp (FurF)
  • 2 Shaymin EX (RS)
Trainers: 37
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Korrina
  • 1 Xerosic
  • 1 Teammates
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 2 Professor Birch's Observation
  • 2 Wally
  • 1 AZ
  • 3 Fighting Stadium
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Acro Bike
  • 2 Rare Candy
  • 2 Proffesor's Letter
  • 2 VS Seeker
  • 2 Startling Megaphone
  • 2 Switch
  • 3 Trainer's Mail
  • 2 Level Ball
Energy: 9
  • 4 Strong Energy
  • 5 Fighting Energy

So basically the goal of the deck is to get Machamp EX to do a crazy amount of damage enough to knock out every single pokemon, yes even Wailord EX, in one hit. My way to achieve this is start by getting ariados on the bench as fast as possible to get Machamp EX doing a minimum of 160 damage, 170 if you count poison. Next I have a bunch of fighting support from furious fists like the machamp, strong energy and fighting stadium. All of the fighting support with one strong energy, both machamps, and a fighting stadium in play means that you are doing 240 damage 250 if you count poison which is enough damage to knock out a Wailord EX.


I will rely on rare candies to get the full use out of the Machamp EX, so any sort of item lock will shut down the machamps, not to mention make it more difficult to get out the spinarak with out level ball.
Also I don't use any tools so my Machamp EX will be seeing a few head ringers, I have a xerosic which can possibly deal with that, but we'll see.

Any and all help is appreciated, thanks.
Why wouldn't you use muscle bands? its just more reliable than machamp non ex. I would drop Machamp line and rare candies, along with the wallys. Idk how much you need 2 megaphones. Acrobikes may not be needed, that or trainers mail. Fighting decks are already really consistent with korrina in terms of items. Idk if you really need AZ.
- 2-2 Machamp
-2 Rare Candy
-3 Trainer's Mail
-3 Acrobikes
-2 Wally
-1 Professor's Letter
-1 Startling Megaphone
-1 AZ
17 Cards

Probably add
2 Ultra Ball (Increased consistency with shaymin for better draw power)
1-1 Ariados (Increase Consistency)
2 Hawlucha/Landorus Non Ex (Low energy and charge, or do good damage)
1 Korrina (More consistency)
1 VS Seeker (More supporters uses, and korrina searchable)
1 Switch/Escape Rope (3 retreat cost might need more switching cards)
2 Fighting Energy (more energy is probably needed)
3 Muscle Band (more consistent damage)

3 of these of your choice
Tool Retrieval (Gets rid of flare gear)
Enhanced Hammer (Good in general)
Battle Compressor (If you use Landorus)
Focus Sash (Lets you destroy anyone that can 1shot you with the 1st attack)

This is my first thought on what you could try. There are a few things like, Tool Retrieval/Enhanced Hammer/Xerosic/Hawlucha/Landorus. That aren't really super important to your overall strategy. But it really matters based on the meta.
I concur with @Ivy_Profen comments regarding leveraging the "strength" or advantages Fighting decks already have. IMO, I also do not feel you need to incorporate the Machamps, especially without using Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick. the time and resources to get the Machmps into play will slow your deck down, as well as become Lysandre targets and potentially used as a "wall" against you.

Highly recommend you include Hawlucha and Landorus; and also consider incorporating a Lucario EX for supplemental card-draw should you ever need it.

Lastly, one of my Poké pals has already built his version of this deck and it is very solid.
Some of these changes might be similar to Ivy's but here is what I recommend:
- 2-0-2 Machamp (Muscle Band helps damage more consistently)
-2 Rare Candy
-2 Wally
-3 Acro Bike (you don't want to end up discarding strong energy or other important cards)
-1 Professor's Letter (1 is good enough because Korrina can search it out when you need it)
-1 Megaphone (garbordor won't be in Standard so your Ariados' ability is protected except for Wobbuffet and Hex Maniac)

+3 Muscle Band (adds damage easily without having a slower support of Machamp FFI)
+1 Professor Sycamore (draw support)
+2 VS Seeker (Re-use of important Supporters like Lysandre)
+2 Hawlucha FFI (free retreat which makes it a great starting Pokemon and a good alternate attacker)
+1-1 Ariados (Consistency)
+2 Ultra Ball (helps lower hand size for Shaymin)
+1 Prof Birch (consistency)

I hope this helps!
Thanks all for the help, but I have a few questions.
Reading what you said I can see taking out the machamps makes sense to add muscle bands making it harder to headringer me, but should I then add a hex maniac or two because the machamps also made sure pyroar couldn't just auto win.
Next why should I take out the wally, I feel like they are necessary to getting out the ariados quickly, that being said if I take them out would I not want to add more level ball because they can grab ariados, but they can also be item locked so I will have to test that.
So my current revisions would be
- 2 Machop
- 2 Machamp
- 2 Rare Candy
- 3 Acro Bike
- 1 Proffesor's Letter

+ 3 Muscle Band
+ 1 Spinarak
+ 1 Ariados
+ 1 VS Seeker
+ 2 Hex Maniac or + 1 Hex Maniac
+ 1 Landorus (Furf) or + 2 Landorus
+ 1 Fighting Energy

So again thanks for the help, and any thoughts on my revisions would be much appreciated, thanks.
It is hard to pull off Wally unless your deck is focused on it. You do not need Ariados on turn one like you would in a T1 Trevenant deck. You will rarely see Pyroar so don't worry about that at all. I like the revisions but I wouldn't add Hex Maniac.
Focus Sash is also a really good card for Machamp-EX's first attack. Giving the possibility of doing a lot of damage without even a damage boost needed.