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Alt. Format XY-On: Medicham / Lucario EX


Aspiring Trainer
I started playing again last month and because I don't have the current standard cards I chose to just wait until the rotation to play, however I did make a Medicham deck for then seeing it cost me less than $40 for everything. I will be getting N's and Corless for when I play expanded in the future so if someone wants to post a deck list based on my list for then I'll gladly take a look at it.

Pokemon - 13
  • 4 Meditite
  • 4 Barrage Medicham
  • 2 Lucario EX
  • 3 Landorus (furious fist)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums - 35
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 4 Trainers' Mail
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Fighting Stadium
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Acro Bike
  • 3 Korrina
  • 2 Escape Rope
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 2 Shauna
  • 2 Lysandre
Energy - 12
  • 8 Fighting Energy
  • 4 Strong Energy

I have a few ideas, but am very unsure on if they're the correct ones, sadly a lot of my testing has been against Night March so it ends up being who can set up first and I need to kill 3 mews before I get my Medicham's picked off. The games have been very close but I keep making tweaks based on the consistency of setting up Medicham's to do the correct amount of damage.
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I don't see an Ace Spec. Having Computer Search is nice but Life Dew is also not a bad choice either for this deck since your opponent might have to play the 7 prize game. Like attaching Life Dew to Lucario EX. Just be careful when to time it like attach it later not right away so when he get's KO'd the tool was attached right before the KO.
Ace Specs aren't XY-On, hence probably why he doesn't play an Ace Spec.
Yeah, I will probably tech life dew as a cheap option, to be honest though, while good, I feel unless it's comp search or drowsing machine, it's not worth playing. I've made a few changes already, adding in hawlucha, cutting one lucario.
The list for current standard looks like this

2 Hawlucha (FUF 63)
1 Lucario-EX (FUF 107)
4 Meditite (PCL 79)
4 Medicham (PCL 81)
1 Mr. Mime (PLF 47)
1 Celebi-EX (BCR 141)
3 Landorus (FUF 58)

4 Strong Energy (FUF 104)
7 Fighting Energy (XY 137)

Trainers / stadiums
2 Korrina (FUF 111)
3 Professor Sycamore (XY 122)
2 Trainers' Mail (ROS 92)
2 Colress (PLS 118)
2 Escape Rope (PCL 127)
2 Lysandre (FLF 104)
2 N (DEX 96)
4 VS Seeker (PHF 109)
4 Acro Bike (PCL 122)
4 Muscle Band (XY 121)
4 Fighting Stadium (FUF 90)
2 Ultra Ball (ROS 93)

My XY-On list looks pretty much the same still, expect -1 lucario and -1 energy for two hawlucha