Hey PokeBeach! I want to hear your opinions on what Seismitoad variants will survive the predicted Xy-On Exodus... I mean Format. After much play testing on my end I personally have found these two decks to have the most success, however this might be up for debate due to play testing against CURRENT format decks. Personally I have been leaning towards Bats because of its current damage output against current meta decks, and how it feels to flow better. However with Crawdaunt it appears to have much more disruption, and can slow down decks quite a bit more. With the current ban of LTC I speculate that Crawdaunt will rise with the ability to knock out special energies out of play entirely, and the idea of slowing down resources and having to have the opponent play conservatively without LTC slowing down decks even more has a lot of potential. If you have tested other variants then the two I listed and think they work, please feel free to comment! I want to know what everyones thoughts are on Seismitoad in the next meta.
Sincerely, The one guy who loves Seismitoad.
Sincerely, The one guy who loves Seismitoad.