Pokemon: 11
Disrupt, disrupt, disrupt. Get Seimitoad out attacking with Quaking Punch turn one to shut down your opponent's items. Silent Lab blocks their abilities, and a combination of hammers, xerosic, head ringers, and reusable Crawdaunts through scoop ups and AZ's prevents your opponent from ever being able to attach enough energy to attack. Only thing is I wish there was a way to amplify Seismitoad's damage ouput, as after losing laserbank to the rotation we'll be limited to 4HKO's on most EX pokemon. Any help, tips, or comments would be appreciated.
- 3 Seismitoad EX
- 4 Corphish
- 4 Crawdaunt
- 4 Silent Lab
- 3 Ultra Ball
- 1 Dive Ball
- 4 Crushing Hammer
- 3 Enhanced Hammer
- 4 Super Scoop Up
- 3 Head Ringer
- 3 Muscle Band
- 4 VS Seeker
- 4 Professor Sycamore
- 2 Shauna
- 2 Professor Birch's Observations
- 2 Lysandre
- 1 Xerosic
- 2 AZ
- 4 Double Colorless Energy
- 3 Darkness Energy
Disrupt, disrupt, disrupt. Get Seimitoad out attacking with Quaking Punch turn one to shut down your opponent's items. Silent Lab blocks their abilities, and a combination of hammers, xerosic, head ringers, and reusable Crawdaunts through scoop ups and AZ's prevents your opponent from ever being able to attach enough energy to attack. Only thing is I wish there was a way to amplify Seismitoad's damage ouput, as after losing laserbank to the rotation we'll be limited to 4HKO's on most EX pokemon. Any help, tips, or comments would be appreciated.