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Alt. Format XY-On: Volcarona / Entei


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 14
  • 3 Larvesta
  • 3 Volcarona
  • 4 Entei (Ancient Trait)
  • 2 Shaymin EX
  • 1 Lugia EX
  • 1 Bunelby (Ancient Trait)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32
  • 4 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 2 blacksmith
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Trainers' Mail
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 3 scorched earth
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Sacred Ash
Energy: 14
  • 4 DCE
  • 10 Fire Energy

Haven't done any play testing this is just a thought. But the main strategy is to get volcarona out to load up Entei onto the bench ready to attack after 2 turns, or it can set up a lugia. Bunelby is really just there to recycle DCE. this is really in the early stages so any ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance.
Entei – Fire – HP130
Basic Pokemon

Θ Double: This Pokemon can have 2 Pokemon Tools attached to it.

[R][C] Flame Barrier: 30 damage. During your opponent’s next turn, reduce all damage done to this Pokemon by your opponent’s attacks by 30.

[R][R][C][C] Heat Tackle: 130 damage. Flip a coin. If tails, this Pokemon does 30 damage to itself.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Volcarona – Fire – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Larvesta

[C] Sunbath: Search your deck for a Basic Pokemon and put it onto your Bench. Then, attach up to 2 Basic Energy cards from your deck to that Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[R][C] Flamethrower: 60 damage. Discard one Energy attached to this Pokemon.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Lugia-EX – Colorless – HP170
Basic Pokemon

[C][C] Aero Ball: 20x damage. Does 20 damage times the number of Energy attached to this Pokemon and the Defending Pokemon.

[C][C][C][C] Deep Hurricane: 80+ damage. If there is any Stadium card in play, this attack does 70 more damage. Discard that Stadium card.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1

Hex Maniac – Trainer

Until the end of your opponent’s next turn, each Pokemon in play, in each player’s hand, and in each player’s discard pile has no Abilities.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).
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You, sir, need Blacksmith. It helps so much in fire decks, and it'll help you hit the second attack on Entei far easier without having to use a turn on Volcorona.

-2 Energy Retrieval (Not necessary with the Blacksmith)

+2 Blacksmith (Speed and general goodness)

Hope I helped! :D
I don't think that you need 3 Switch or 4 Muscle Band. Also, besides for Shaymin EX, this deck lacks non-supporter draw power, so either run Scorched Earth or Fiery Torch, so you can get some energy in your duscard pile for the aforementioned Blacksmith.

-1 Switch
-1 Muscle Band

+2 Fiery Torch/ Scorched Earth.

Hope I helped.
Thanks guys! And as for muscle band, you do know that each Entei can have two of them attatched. An Entei with 2 muscle bands hits for 170 which is pretty helpful. But I will definitely implement some of the other suggestions.