Wi-Fi Trades Yakkov's Newly Updated "My Player" Thread"

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Shiny Hunter, Event Collector, and Breeder



My Friend Code: 3136-3333-1577 (Pokemon Diamond)(Yakkov) 4596-8887-0915 (Yakkov)(Pokemon Pearl)
AIM: none
MSN: none
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact Time: Please contact me after 2:15 PM on weekdays, and anytime after 10:00 AM on the weekends. For a extra note on Monday, please contact me after 3:15 PM. To negotiate a trade, please post in this thread. I am in the (EST) Eastern Sandard Timezone area.


  • Do not PM me please. Please post in my thread
  • Do not trade me hacked or cheated Pokemon, if the Pokemon is from a glitch, that is fine
  • Free pokerus with any trade :)
  • Cloned Pokemon from the Emerald glitch is fine
POKEMON FOR TRADE====================

The following Pokemon are from my Diamond and Pearl combind. I will separate the Pokemon by the two games. My Pearl has the more competive Pokemon though. All the Pokemon are legit, I only use legit Pokemon. Its a long list, but I will color-code the following so its easy to read:) Here we go...

[Note]I am listing only my Pokemon's EV's, I am not good enough with determining their IV's yet.


  • UT means untouched


Regigigas [UT]

Baby Pokemon - All baby Pokemon are untouched

Tyrogue [2]
Shuckle [4]
Treecko [4]
Scyther [2]
Torchic [10]
Mudkip [7]
Eevee [4]
Sneasel [1]
Squirtle [5]
Cherubi [2]
Riolu [9]
Spirtomb [2]
Bulbasaur [4]
Charmander [4]
Snorlax [1]
Turtwig [1]
Larvitar [3]
Aerodactyl [8]


Toxic Plate [1]
Splash Plate [1]
Stone Plate [2]
Spooky Plate [2]
Sky Plate [3]
Dread Plate [1]
Draco Plate [2]
Earth Plate [1]
Fist Plate [1]
Icicle Plate [3]
Insect Plate [3]
Iron Plate [1]
Meadow Plate [2]
Mind Plate [2]
Zap plate [3]
Everstone [19]
Hard Stone [22]
Heat Rock [12]
Icy Rock [5]
Leaf stone [2]
Leftovers [11]
Magnet [3]
Miracle Seed [2]
Mystic Water [4]
Never Melt Ice [3]
Shell Bell [1]
Silver Powder [1]
Spell Tag [2]
Sun Stone [3]
Thunder Stone [1]
Odd Incense [1]
Smooth Rock [2]
Charcoal [3]
Sharp Beak [1]
Twisted Spoon [2]
Macho Brace [1]
Black Glasses [1]
Exp. Share [4]
Metal Coat [2]
Black Belt [2]
Skull Fossil [1]
Root Fossil [1]
Claw Fossil [8]
Helix Fossil [6]
Dome Fossil [1]
Heart Scale [2]
Fire Stone [5]


Baby Pokemon

Bulbasuar [29]
Chinchou [14]
Ralts [1]
Sneasel [18]
Heracross [3]

EV Trained Pokemon:

Pokemon: Typlosion
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
Moves: Lava Plume / Quick Attack / Eruption / Flamethrower
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Swampert
Nature: Impish
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def
Moves: Earthquake / Surf / Giga Impact / Substitute
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Golem
Nature: Adament
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def
Moves: Earthquake / Rock Polish / Stone Edge / Double-Edge
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Starmie
Nature: Modest
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
Moves: Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Psychic / ConfuseRay
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Flareon
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Moves: Roar / Fire Fang / Flamethrower / Giga Impact
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Shuckle
Nature: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Def / 100 Sp.Def
Moves: Withdraw / Substitute / Rest / Toxic
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Umbreon
Nature: Quirky
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Def / 252 Sp.Def
Moves: Assurance / Faint Attack / Baton Pass / Mean Look
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Machamp
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Moves: Cross Chop / Brick Break / Giga Impact
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Gardevoir
Nature: Modest
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
Moves: Magical Leaf / Double Team / Confusion / Psychic
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Heatren
Nature: Bold
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Def / 252 Sp.Atk
Moves: Flamethrower / Heat Wave / Earth Power / Magma Storm
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Raichu
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed
Moves: Volt Tackle / Surf / Thunderbolt / Thunder Wave
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Tyranitar
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Moves: Rock Polish / Earthquake / Crunch / Stone Edge
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Lucario
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Atk
Moves: Swords Dance / Reversal / Extreme Speed / Force Palm
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Torterra
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def
Moves: Crunch / Curse / Earthquake / Razor Leaf
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Empoleon(Jap. Nickname)
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Sp.Def
Moves: Water Pulse / Bubble Beam / Hydro Pump / Brine
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Luxray
Nature: Docile
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Moves: Crunch / Spark / Thunder Fang / Bite
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Pokemon: Glaceon
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Snow Cloak
EVs: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Sp.Def
Moves: Hyber Beam / Ice Beam / Shadowball / Double Team
Redistributable: Yes (Yakkov)

Shiny Pokemon

Bidoof [UT]

Pokemon I Want

These Have to be Legit and Untouched (Except for the EV Trained Pokemon):

Good Natured Dittos (Must have good IV's, as well)
Good IV'd and EV'd Competitive Pokemon

Battle Records:

WINS - 5

Pokemon Noobiepie (1)
Beachdudelbi (2) Really close, and a intense battle.
Zoidburg (1) Really close, and a intense battle, I really mean it. I thought I was going to lose to a Blissey. I have bad memmories of a Blissey beating me in a Pokemon City's DS Tournamant.
D master (1) Great battle, it was a fun one:)

Kevin Garrett (3)
Bidier (1)
Pokemon Noobiepie (2)
D master (2) Besides the battles with Kevin, this was one of my most intense battles that I ever had. We both took out five Pokemon each, taking it down to a one on one match.:)
Eastbay Trainer (4) This was a good battle, it was a close one:)
MquaZa (1) Great battle
Beachdudelbi (1) Really close, and a intense battle.
Zoidburg (3) I'll get that Blissey...just kidding, the battle I had with Zoidburg was great, and was really close.
mcash7 (1) Good team; an exciting battle:)
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

Sure..but is the Magcargo Legit? If it is legit, could I have your friend code so we could trade?
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

yes it is legit

my player name is:

ASH - all caps
FC - 2492 2598 6714

wats ur player name and friend code?
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

ive also got a spheal, i will trade it to you for your empoleon and all my pokemon are legit!
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

Sure..we could do that:)
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

you are welcome!

i have spheal, i will trade it to you for your infernape or your empoleon if thats ok?
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

It is find with me..I have plenty others
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

ok sweet,meet u on wifi!
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

Sorry about that, I said you could have the Infernape, or the Empoleon
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

i have a cloyster if you want i will give it to you 4 the level 50 manaphy with the ot - TRU if thats all right?
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

Fine with me, I have another one on my Pearl from Toys 'R' Us
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

ok meet u on wifi again LOL
i also have a jynx i will give u that for infernape and cloyster for manaphy
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

thankyou so much for the pokemon that you have sent to me!!!!!
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

Like what...I have others...but what do you need. Also would you trade that CHANNEL Jirachi?
RE: Yakkov's "My Player" Thread

i need legends like deoxys, ho - oh, lugia, mew, arceus, shaymin, and the three dogs and sorry im not tradin my either of my jirachi's! sorry
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