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Yanmega Prime and Staraptor FB Lv.X


Aspiring Trainer
Would you like to do an easy 70 damage for no energy? Let me tell you how.

Yanma x4
Yanmega Prime x4
Staraptor FB x1
Staraptor FB Lv.X x1
Scyther x2
Scizor x2
Cherubi x2
Cherrim x2
Surskit x2
Masquerain x2
Unown R x2
Bebe's Search x4
Copycat x4
Judge x4
Luxury Ball x2
Pokedex x2
Plus Power x4
Seeker x2
Sp Radar x1
Pokemon Contest Hall x2
Pokemon Rescue x4
Pokemon Collector x1
Grass energy x6

So the first thing you want to do is get Yanmega Prime and Staraptor FB Lv.X by using Luxury Ball Bebe's Search etc. Yanmega is active and Staraptor is benched. Use Fast Call to get a Copycat or Judge. use it as your supporter to get the same amount of cards in you and your opponents hand. Feel free to use any of Yanmega's moves due to it's poke body. You may also have Cherrim on your bench to boost your grass pokemons' moves.
When Yanmega dies feel free to use Scizor. Use Fast Call then Seeker to pick up Staraptor then use Pound Down for a whopping 70 damage. You may also have to use Masquerain- Skim Attack 30 damage draw two cards. Using little to no energy can make a deck's progress really awesome!

Please message,post,or reply if you know any variations of this deck or improvements I could make. Thanks for readinPr
You're going to need to organize the decklist better, or this thread will be locked.
+27 Cards
+1 Staraptor FB
+1 Staraptor FB LV.X
+2 Uxie
+2 Pokemon Collector
+2 Expert Belt
+3 VS. Seeker
+3 Rescue Energy
+1 Giratina (Let Loose)
+3 Pokemon Communication
+2 Sunflora
+2 Sunkern
+1 Shaymin
+1 Shaymin LV.X
+3 Broken Time-Space

-27 Cards
-2 Scyther
-2 Scizor
-2 Surskit
-2 Masquerain
-2 Bebe's Search
-1 Luxury Ball
-2 Pokemon Contest Hall
-1 SP Radar
-1 Team Rocket's Trickery
-6 Grass Energy
-1 Copycat
-1 Judge
-2 Pokedex
-2 Pokemon Rescue

Hopefully this will allow for more consistency. With Rescue Energy and BTS, Yanmega can simply bounce back and start swinging again the next turn. Pokemon Communication and Sunflora add speed and Shaymin LV.X and Expert Belt add HP, and damage in the latter's case, so you can keep swinging hard.
I took out the Scizor and Masquerain lines because they seemed to distract from the main appealing factor of Yanmega, being able to attack for no energy.