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Yanmega / Raichu


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3x Yanma PF
    3x Yanmega PF
    2x Pikachu XY
    2x Raichu XY
    1x Emolga DXE
    1x Dedenne FF

  • 4x N
    4x Professor Juniper
    3x Skyla
    2x Colress
    4x Switch
    4x Muscle Band
    4x Hypnotoxic Laser
    3x Evosoda
    3x Ultra Ball
    2x Virbank City Gym
    2x Enhanced Hammer
    2x Professor's Letter
    1x Computer Search

  • 4x Double Colorless Energy
    6x Lightning Energy

When I first saw Yanmega in the Phantom Force set I tried thinking of a way that I could utilize its second attack. It's also a OTK against Seismatoad. I noticed that Yanmega doesn't have a retreat cost so I looked for other decent Pokemon that had no retreat cost or that could help support the theme of the deck. That's when I found Raichu and Emolga. Emolga would be used to help set up your bench and possibly retreat if it lives past the opponent's turn. Dedenne is in the deck for Call for Family and it's a good Yvetal counter. Normally I wouldn't run 4x Switch but I feel as if it is going to need to be maxed out for this deck.

Please feel free to give me any suggestions or tips. I am still fairly new to the pokemon tcg.
Since this is basically a colorless energy deck, you can add in anything to act as your standard powerhouse, or even a third weakness to exploit that can work with DCE. Something that is water, fire, or psychic would be good additional super effective types. Seismitoad, Mewtwo, Charizard could all work.

M Manetric could also really help this deck, since everything is either 2-3 energy to attack. It would replace your Raichu line and you could also add beartic to counter water weak pokemon. Adding in 1 or 2 mewtwo could also help again Lucario or Mewtwo. M Manetric has free retreat as well, IIRC. Raichu just isnt what it use to be with all the fighting types running around and only really being able to deal with Yveltal.