• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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YanTileGar (Yanmega prime+giratina lv. x+vilegar) (any tourney)


Aspiring Trainer
{G}{P} yanmega-giratina X plus vilegar. A little wicked, but it could work. Here it is:

1-1-2-1-2 (1 LA, & 1 UD oddish, 2 UD gloom, 1 LA vileplume, and 2 UD vileplume.)
2-1-1-1-1 (2 SF Gengar,1 hidden poison haunter, 1 SF haunter and 2 PA gastly.)
2-2-3 (2 SF duskull & dusclops, and 1 dark hide, spirit pulse, and 1 shadow command dusknoir.)
2-2 yanmega prime
2-1 giratina X PL-PL-promo
2 spiritomb PA
1 azelf
1 rotom UD

31 pokemon

2 lost world
2 pokemon collector
4 copycat
1 twins
2 bebe's search
1 interviewer's questions
1 expert belt
1 rare candy

15 trainer/supporter/stadium

2 rescue energy
6 basic psychic
5 basic grass

14 energy

Get any of the two strategys out with collector and evolve techs. Then just start attacking away!
You need to add the Strategy of the deck to the first post or this will be locked.

dmaster out.
way too many 1-1-1 lines i would take out the duskoir line completly and it also appears that you dont have any pokemon to send cards to the lost world maybe work on having yanmega as the main attacker
Yeah, seems like a few to many pokemon! A full vilegar setup has little space for any extras, and this is vilegar, with alot of extras thrown in. Having lots of 1 lines with your T/S/S might make it hard to draw what you want when you need it aswell. Like 2 spiritomb, when spiritomb is your ideal starter there should be atleast 4 as you really want to draw one so trainers can start building up in there hand from turn 1 so you have the chance of them having as many as possible in their hand by the time SF gengar comes out
I have search cards inside the deck for a reason, ya know. Also, dusknoir is a secondary attacker, til' I get a strategy out.
