• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Aspiring Trainer
I do plan on getting more Lugia EX and Snorlax but at the moment this is all I have to work with so just tell me if there's any cards I should change. All suggestions are helpful.

Pokémon: 9
  • x4 Deoxys EX
  • x2 Thundurus EX
  • x1 Snorlax PLS
  • x1 Sigilyph DRX
  • x1 Lugia EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37
  • x4 Professor Juniper
  • x2 N
  • x1 Colress
  • x1 Shadow Triad
  • x4 Skyla
  • x2 Energy Search
  • x2 Bicycle
  • x3 Team Plasma Ball
  • x2 Pokémon Catcher
  • x1 Switch
  • x1 Escape Rope
  • x4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • x3 Colress Machine
  • x1 Random receiver
  • x2 Tool Scrapper
  • x1 Scoop Up Cyclone
  • x2 Ultra Ball
  • x1 Reversal Trigger
Energy: 14
  • x4 Plasma
  • x1 DCE
  • x7 Electric
  • x2 Psychic
Okay, let me get something straight I don't play 4 N because I don't have 4. I play Scoop up Cyclone because my only other Ace Spec is Life Dew, so if I should switch them then tell me. I actually play multiple copies of lightning and psychic energy because I have 0 Prism energy and I also only have 1 DCE. I also only own one colress otherwise I'd be playing more. My list would be much better if I had these cards, I know.

Deoxys for power connect. Thundurus for raiden knuckle and energy attachment from discard. Lugia and Snorlax for attack obviously. Sigilyph as tech for EX-heavy decks. Like I said above, I'm open to suggestions.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
you need more attackers or you won't do anything :F
i would put
+2 lugia ex could hit after thundurus and get up to 3 prizes
+1 snorlax the surprise attacker !! use it with scramble switch, with a full bench could make OHKO to any ex !!!
+1 scramble switch +1 colress +1 shadow triad +3 DCE
-2 Lighting -1 reversal trigger -1 scoop up cyclone -1 random receiver -4 lasers (you'll want to make KO with lugia) -1 skyla -1 sigilyph DRX(nothing to do in this deck and reduces teampact)
energyfullart(? said:
you need more attackers or you won't do anything :F
i would put
+2 lugia ex could hit after thundurus and get up to 3 prizes
+1 snorlax the surprise attacker !! use it with scramble switch, with a full bench could make OHKO to any ex !!!
+1 scramble switch +1 colress +1 shadow triad +3 DCE
-2 Lighting -1 reversal trigger -1 scoop up cyclone -1 random receiver -4 lasers (you'll want to make KO with lugia) -1 skyla -1 sigilyph DRX(nothing to do in this deck and reduces teampact)

Okay, thanks for the advice, I'll try to get those cards and make those changes.
Check my list for the Yeti. Its relatively good and has had months of play testing, you can modify your list to what resources you have and adjust for play style.
JungleBeatz said:
Heres my list for the Yeti. Its relatively good and has had months of play testing, you can modify your list to what resources you have and adjust for play style:

Thanks! I'll look at it and make some adjustments.