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You can't have your CaKE and eat it too!

The Pikachu Mafia

HTL is the Flippy Beam of Doom.
so I was eating some cake the other day while going over my recent experience with cities (3-2 with ZPST) I wanted a deck that was, well not an auto loss in the face of lock decks and was pretty good with the new EX cards then it hit me, CaKE (oh the irony):

Pokemon: 16

4x Kyurem NV
3x Cobalion NV
3-3 Electrode Prime
2x Terrakion NV
1x Cleffa HGSS

T/S/S: 27

4x Pokemon Collector
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Super Rod
2x Researcher's Record
2x Switch
3x Plus Power
4x Junk Arm
2x Twins

Energy: 17

4x Special Metal
4x Prism
4x Rainbow
3x Water
2x Metal

Card Translations:

Prism Energy – Special Energy

This card provides 1 Colorless Energy.

If it’s attached to a Basic Pokemon, it provides 1 unit of every Type of Energy.


the point of this deck is to get either Kyurem or cobalion going (or both) and attack lock or spread damage to take many KO's Terrakion can OHKO the most dangerous card of the EX format imo, Magnezone Prime not to mention he can also OHKO zekrom and his EX counter part and is a great revenge killer Super rod will get my pokemon and energy back from a potentially deadly yet helpful energymite Junk Arm too will get my trainers back if necessary twins are in case I fall behind in prizes (which I probably will.) Researchers Record is for helping me pull the energy I need with Energymite, and I run Rainbow and Prism energy to be able to universally attach to any pokemon (*thinks Terrakion*)

anyways what do you think about this list? any help is greatly appreciated ^o^
Here's some suggestions I have to hopefully make your deck a bit better.


-2 Super Rod: I'm pretty sure you don't need quite so much recovery in this deck. In terms of Pokemon you should be set because you play multiple of all your attacks and because they're all basic they're extremely easy to recover. Also, this card won't help you with energy recovery much considering you only play 5 basic energy.

-2 Pokemon Catcher: The main strategy of this deck is usually to spread so I don't think 4 Pokemon Catcher is really needed. Pokemon Catcher definitely helps with bringing up a high retreat Pokemon on your opponents side while you continue to spread but you shouldn't need so many Pokemon Catchers to do so and you can always reuse them with Junk Arm anyway.

-2 PlusPower: Because you're spreading early with Kyurem to weaken all of your opponents Pokemon I don't think multiple PlusPowers will be all that helpful. Although there may be a situaltion where that extra damage is needed so keeping in at least 1 is a good idea.

-3 Professor Oak's New Theory: Although this card is great for hand refresh I think there are some other supporters that would be considered a bit more useful for this deck which I'll be getting to later in this post.

That's everything I think that should be taken out of your list. It's not a whole lot but it'll make room for some of the cards that I think are a bit more important for the deck. So without further ado, I'll get on to those.


+3 Eviolite: This deck is full of nothing but basic attackers so this card is kind of an obvious choice. Attach Eviolite to whichever Pokemon you're attacking with to allow them to hopefully be able to take an extra hit from your opponents Pokemon.

+4 N: I noticed a lack of draw supporters and in this deck you're going to be a bit behind early game so why not take advantage of it with a bit of hand refresh for you and some disruption for your opponent.

+2 Professor Juniper: These are so you have even more draw supporters. I don't think the discarding your hand part will hurt you much and even if you're in the situation when you have good cards in your hand it can still be worth it to discard them and get a fresh hand.

That's about it for cards I think you need to add. It's not a lot but I do think that some of them are pretty key towards making your deck better. While I'm at it, I'm going to go ahead and give you a very short list of things that I thought about changing when looking at you deck, but didn't partially because I didn't think they were quite as important as other changes and, at the same time, I wasn't sure what would be best to take out/add in.

~Other Ideas~

-1 Cleffa HS: This wouldn't really be a big change. I'm just not sure how helpful it is to this deck considering you want to start attacking as soon as possible. I will however admit that there's those occasional times where your hand is just awful and something needs to be done about it. Taking this out may leave you more room for something more important but it's really up to you.

+? Cheren / +? Professor Oak's New Theory: Now I know what you're probably thinking. I just told you to take out Professor Oak's New Theory. And well, I'll be honest, I don't know if that's the best choice. Your list doesn't play a whole lot of draw supporters and I'm not quite sure if that's ideal for CaKE decks or not. Whether you think you need more draw support or not is up to you and if you do choose to add in some then I think Professor Oak's New Theory or Cheren is the way to go.

+1-2 / -1-2 Twins: This is another thing I'm uncertain about. I know that playing a high Twins count is great in some decks so you can be sure to have one when you need it but I'm not sure about this one. I think I've seen some lists that play none so that's always an option as well. When I really think about it lower numbers of this card might work better in this deck, but like I said earlier, I'm not certain. So yeah, you may want to pass on this one but it's just an idea.

+1-2 / -2 Research Record: Looking at your list I thought the number of Research Record was kind of on the low side. I think that if you want it to really help you, you may need to add in a couple. But if I'm not mistaken some lists don't even run Research Record so I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you need more or less. This is something I would definitely consider testing both ways and I may be wrong in adding them anyway because your space might be better used on other consistency cards.

I think that's about it for that. I should probably stop anyway because you may be getting tired of reading. =P I just wanted to give you a few extra ideas to think about.


I honestly think your list looks really solid. Notice I didn't even touch your Pokemon or Energy lines because, at least from what I can tell, there were no problems in that area. I personally have not played this deck before so you may not want to take everything I have said as the truth because, I admit, some of my points could have been false. However, I do have a pretty good knowledge of the deck in general from just watching others play it but if I am wrong on some things just know that it wasn't on purpose.

So anyway, I hope this long post helped you out at least a little in some way as that was my plan from the start of making this post. :]
First off.... I love long posts :D

idc if you have or have not played the take I'll take the advice and run (I haven't played the deck yet either :/ in fact I don't even have coba/kyurem yet, *sobs*)

anyways back to the advice *facepalm* how did I forget eviolite?? I'll definetly make the switch :3 also I don't see the point in N too much but I'll give it a shot however you have a point with super rod and plus power I hath testing to do >:3 Also I've seen alot of lists run a 3-2 electrode prime.... thoughts?

I'll edit in the list later (I'm on my 3ds right now and the wifi isn't much better than the dsi's -.-)

thanks again for the help I really appreciate it :D


okay I can post a full list now :D here it is:

Pokemon: 15

4x Kyurem NV
3x Cobalion NV
3-3 Electrode Prime
2x Terrakion NV

T/S/S: 28

4x Pokemon Collector
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Super Rod
2x Researcher's Record
2x Switch
2x Plus Power
3x Junk Arm
2x Twins
3x Eviolite
3x N
2x Chearn

Energy: 17

4x Special Metal
4x Prism
4x Rainbow
3x Water
2x Metal

yeah I ended up taking out cleffa :/ idk I just needed some room xP because I don't really like running only one copy of something in my deck :/ (especially with CaKE) and 2x Catcher never worked for me well in ZPST (the main reason why I lost was I didn't have the needed catcher in hand....) I might just pull out the Plus Power line altogether because looking at the list it's not as needed as other cards :/

anyways thanks for the advice xD I'll probably end up testing most of your ideas sooo keep em coming ^o^