DPPt/HGSS Your Battle Style


Aspiring Trainer
I am curious to learn others battle style? I used to raise my pokemon to a high level and give them the best attacks. Now I'm using there ability to help in battle like Pikachu's static for example.
I usually raise my team in order and not let a pokemon be 2 levels higher than the other ones and fairly and give them all good moves and make sure they have good natures and stats before i raise them.
I don't care about natures, EV's/IV's or anything of that competitive stuff. I care about the Pokemon's moves and if the moves are widespread and can counter it's weaknesses.

I go for brute strength most of the time, instead of tactical precision.
I like high defensed pokemon (mostly steel types) and I power them up with moves like Calm Mind and other various stat affecting moves.
I tend to go with STAB, status conditions, moves that counter your weaknesses, and things like protect, detect, and substitute. I dont usually use stat changing moves like dragon dance because I feel that during that turn, in-game not competitive, that turn is a waste of time you could be using to attack your opponent. during that turn you opponent could hit you pretty hard and you would have missed you chance. But ill use stat changing moves if the mon I'm using them on has high defenses.
and WHY name your self Justin Bieber?!?!
my next choice for teams is to go with walls that can sponge enemy attacks then hit hard back at them.
My battle style is raising the Pokemon and trying to find the weaknesses of wild Pokemon/other trainer's Pokemon and using the attacks of my Pokemon to be super effective to the other Pokemon. I try to teach my Pokemon attacks that are super effective to other Pokemon.
Each Pokemon I train has at least one move that benefits from STAB. I try to find Pokemon that have really good attack or special attack. If such a thing exists, I'll find moves that go off of it's ability (ie Double Edge on an Aggron that does not take recoil damage) and since I only play the games, not face others competitively, most of my Pokemon have four attack moves, geared toward countering whatever they are weak to. The items most of my Pokemon hold are attack boosters for one of their non-STAB moves unless needed otherwise (ie Infernape has Leftovers because he has Flare Blitz).

It's probably not the most effective way, but luckily I don't have to worry about people who might spend just enough time self boofing their Pokemon that I have to worry about suddenly becoming to bulked to do much of anything.
I always wanted to raise a dual type pokemon. Hahaha I'm always like that to save my time training my team. Look, your team is composed of 12 different types with just 6 pokemon? It will really save your time right? ^^
At least one move that doesn't do damage.
Often ailments, mean look, swords dance or substitute. I tend to give a pokemon a move that it's weak against
Gyarados - Dragon Dance
Raichu - Counter, Thunder wave
Flareon - Sunny Day
Gengar - Destiny Bond
Venasuar - Sleep Powder, Leech seed
But I farm for good natures and abilities and egg moves most of the time.
Level up one pokemon then switch and alternate between them.I find that to be a more sufficient way to do things.
my style is hit em hard hit em fast have pokemon with high speed paired with high attack...
I prefer very fast pokemon, such as scyther, and raikou. I give them very good attacks and hit the opponent hard on the first attack.
I like to make opponents mad by constantly switching (unless SR, Spikes, or Toxic Spikes are up). Then, after their PP is wasted, or I am just bored with the battle, I finish them off with LO Scizor and STAB Technician Bullet Punch. But I only use that against people who don't play competitively (i.e. my brother, sister, and neighbors). When playing a competitive battle though, I like to have my first couple of pokemon to get status aliments up and take out (or weaken) as many opponent pokemon as possible. Then I have my attackers finish them off near the end of the battle by hitting hard with powerful moves. There is A LOT more to my competitive strategy, but it's just hard for me to explain. ;o
first of all, like ur banner, dispise ur name. not you, your username. Just a warning, people on here don't take kindly to *shudder* Justin... B... Beiber.
Second of all, i hate to say it, but my starter is always the strongest. I'm trying to level it out, but if ur trying to beat the game quickly, keep your pokemon overleveled. If you want more of a challenge, keep it under the level line. The highest i'd go for a first gym leader would be 12-20. That's how i do it, i keep it overleveled.
I normally give my pokemon moves to counter their weaknesses or moves that are not their type. For example, my swampert has ice beam and my typhlosion has shadow claw. I also just go will brute strength rather than planning things or using moves like swords dance. I just play in a very simple way.
Brute force is always the way.

I run into problems at the Battle Frontier, where some of the people actually have half a brain. My Choice Band Adamant Infernape got me to Palmer before Ii lost :(
^I used to go by brute force too, but I got owned at WIFI Battle Tower. The first two matches I won pretty easily, but the third one, ONE pokemon ruined my team. (I had Feraligatr, Dragonite, and Lucario) His first pokemon, a Lapras, just kept resting up whenever his HP got low and then would just dominate with Ice Beam/Blizzard combo. (Opposing Lapras had Sleep Talk, too) Ice Beam/Blizzard aren't even effective to Lucario and Feraligatr, and I still got crushed. I didn't even KO one of his pokemon!! This proved to me that brute force isn't nessacarily the best, but strategy and stalling can win you the battle no matter what move you used.
I usually don't take tactics into consideration when I'm doing my in game team. I don't care about EVs or IVs on my in game team. My in game team is a very relaxed thing. However, when I'm doing competitive teams, I prefer to get it as good as it can possibly be.