Your Failed Deck Ideas


PokeBeach's Yu-Gi-Oh enthusiast. I guess.
Have you ever looked at a card and thought, "Wow! That'd be fantastic for a deck!", and you thought of a whole strategy and a decklist for it, only to realize that you misread the card? If so, post them here.

I looked at Aerodactyl GL and thought it was excellent. T1 30 and no evolving? That was awesome. I built an entire decklist around it with Dialga G Lv.X(body lock) and Mesprit and Power Spray(power lock). Combined with a lock that prevented all evolving, I thought it would be an insanely good deck.

But then I realized the part in bold.
[F][C] Prehistoric Breath: 30 damage. During your opponent’s next turn, your opponent can’t play any Pokemon cards from his or her hand to Evolve or Level Up the Defending Pokemon.
I tried building a Ninetails MT rogue...With Lake Boundary.

And I played a Team Rocket deck using Arbok, Weezing, and Crobat.
Till I realized how slow a deck that uses nothing but evolutions to do anything is...
Still, it was fun to play. heh.
Would you like the short list or the long list? :p

Let's see here...

-Decks with 4 types of energies
-Empoleon without the Lv. X
-Magmortar/Armaldo (surprisingly it went 3-2)

...I could go on longer if you'd like. :D
The Fallen One said:
Would you like the short list or the long list? :p

Let's see here...

-Decks with 4 types of energies
-Empoleon without the Lv. X
-Magmortar/Armaldo (surprisingly it went 3-2)

...I could go on longer if you'd like. :D

Sally won't be terribad anymore...
Starmie RR gets it playable, and it can do 120(or 150?) for two.
I will point this out: It's 120 for 2 if your opponent has any pokemon with 120HP or more. Very few SP pokemon get that high. So it's not the best. Maybe for Regionals it would have been better, but not after RR.
Gosh DO I have Great list here
1st Was Empoleon I think SF the one where you have the Poke power that wehn you evolve it your opponet cant play energy cards and attach it to thier pokemon. Until I realized I had to evolve it onto my ACTIVE empoleon which made it mega fail. . .

2nd Blakiran ( blaziken/heatran ) Oh EM GEE was this so SLOW like ugh just maybe I had a bad list but gosh. . . it just sucked.
( actually any fire deck I build SUCKS foreal like all I can build are water and fire decks good )

3rd Like pretty much anything that isnt a Water or Earth based deck HAHA
I had a great idea for a Gardevoir X/Lumineon/Handsome's deck... Way too slow...

Then there was the Banette deck... Too many resources for too little damage that was too counterable. =/

Oh... And a million other rogues ;)
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may discard as many cards from your hand. If you do, put that many damage counters on Banette.*coughdefendingpokemoncough*


That's the only misread one I've had... testing actual deck ideas and having them fail... well... that's like the biggest part of Pokemon, especially when you're like me and not netdecking everything like most people on these types of forums...
Dusk w/ Ampharos (PT)....both Yours and Your Opponents pokemon with dmg counters can't use poke-powers

esperante said:
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may discard as many cards from your hand. If you do, put that many damage counters on Banette.*coughdefendingpokemoncough*


That's the only misread one I've had... testing actual deck ideas and having them fail... well... that's like the biggest part of Pokemon, especially when you're like me and not netdecking everything like most people on these types of forums...

man, I know exactly what you mean, honestly...I don't really even look in the Deck Garage anymore...I'm too busy on RS trying to work out some deck idea I've had[/b]
The first year yea I played it was like DX - w/e. (don't remember).

I started by using Camerupt EX, with Mew EX (LM) tech, which did alright. But then I just kept adding in things since I was a n00b, adding things like Lugia EX then Blaziken (PK).

Eventually I was just like what am I doing lol. So then I ditched it, cause it failed...HARD.
I looked at it right but it just isn't powerful enough: Swalot LA. I thought: it has good HP, strong power and T2 potential. When I tried it out and failed, I thought: stupid Dialga G, it has Resistance, Special Metal, I can't get it out fast enough and why the heck am I having Energy trouble when I play 14 Energy?! So yeah, I ditched it. It's now laying in one of my deck boxes.
I was making a flygon SW deck and I thought the body did it to all of your oppontent's pokemon.
But it only does it to the active.
I had an awesome idea for a Darkrai Lv. X and the new Shiftry from Bonds to the End of Time....then i realized it had to be active....

"Poke-Body: Ominous Wind
As long as this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, whenever your opponent flips a coin during his or her turn, treat the result of the coin flip as tails."

I had an Idea for a starmie power snipe deck until i realized that it had to target something with powers or bodies
I thought that if armaldo La was 60 hp or lees away from being KO'ed it woul preent all damage done to it. lol, I even ordered all the cards to make the deck.:p
I made a Blziken deck based around equiping 1 energy per turn and using Typhlosion to equip another energy and have a constent Fire Spin..... I didn't firgure out that Firestarter only worked on benched pokemon untill after I ordered all of the cards XD

Still got 16th at Rigenals though XD
The Fallen One said:
Would you like the short list or the long list? :p

Let's see here...

-Decks with 4 types of energies
-Empoleon without the Lv. X
-Magmortar/Armaldo (surprisingly it went 3-2)

...I could go on longer if you'd like. :D

Forgot Drapion :p

I tried. palkia with a bunch of techs... didn't work out too well!