Your first Kiss

Hmm...this is probably boarder-line lockable, but I'll let it go for awhile and see where it goes. It's not too terribily personal, but it's a sensitive topic, so don't expect much, alright? If it gets out of control though, it's getting the GO treatment.

As for me, um, my first "real" kiss was when I was about 13. It was at a school dance and they were playing the slow songs. One of the songs that they played was one of her favorite songs, and the moment just felt right, so I kissed her. It made her smile.
Uhh... when I was like 5 and this girl was She kissed some other guy, which made me jealous. And then when it was after school, I planted her one for I think about 30 seconds. I haven't kissed since... oh well.
i got mine same school dance last week made out behind the blecher at the high school be time ever i got a 7/10 gf on the hotness scale
Do you what I don't understand? Why girls would like us Pokemon-lovers. Do they know you like Pokemon though?
no duh no one knows that i like it at school and its like i lead 2 two lives one for school and one for pokemon
Well it kinda depends on what you mean by first kiss...

But really, I'd say my first REAL kiss was in 6th grade around Christmas. This girl and I were both in orchestra and we were both late leaving the room (it was the last class of the day and I had to pack up all my stuff) and I had always thought she was really attractive so I had bought her a present to see if it would grab her affection at all (I WAS in 6th grade people, so don't think less of me for this). I finally decided that this was the best time to give it to her so I did. The kiss just kinda happened after that.