Your pet

PaperAirplane :F

Aspiring Trainer
Post IMGs of your pet(s) in this topic, rather then open new thread (got idea from Gamefreak). Please no ratings (with numbers) if poster don't request for it. Feel free to say something about pets (like: Cute and Shiny,...), just don't rate it.

Here's mine:

^She is sooo cute

^On this pic, she was old less then a year

^Cute, cute, cute
What's your cats name?

I don't have pictures to upload yet, but my current dog is a yellow lab, named Misty.
Before her, I had a golden retriever named Chansey.

Well ... her name ...
She don't have a name. lol. It's true. I live with: my mother, her husband (no not my father, her new husband), her husband's daughter and his son. It was really hard to choose a name, everybody would like it :) Before I had a cat (female) named Meowth. :)
He's cute. :)
BTW: First we wanted to have one-colored cat, but some friends just had this one and we took it. But now everybody is happy. ;). If you want more pictures of my cat, just post here.
And: Gamefreak734: You double posted. It happened to me as well few days ago, so I don't think it's a SPAM.
I saw my last cat die in front of me and I'm not too crazy about living that again any time soon.